PML 2001-09
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Update on Release of the 2000 Preliminary Pesticide Use Report
In our efforts to keep our stakeholders apprised of our progress, we are updating you on the status of the annual Pesticide Use Report (PUR). The release of the 2000 preliminary PUR is anticipated in late August of 2001. Data received by the Department of Pesticide Regulation, as of July 6, 2001, will be included. A press release announcing the availability of this report will be issued when the preliminary document is completed. Our Web page at www.cdpr.ca.gov will also be updated when the data are available. If you have any questions regarding the PUR, please contact Ms. Ada Ann Scott, Data Processing Manager I, at (916) 445-4118.
Original signature by:
David Duncan
Chief, Pest Management and Licensing Branch
Mr. Daniel J. Merkley, Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Ms. Ada Ann Scott