Update to Compendium Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting – Alternatives Considered Template
Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations (CCR), section 6426 requires a restricted material permit applicant and the pest control advisor to consider alternatives to the use of restricted materials prior to applying for a permit with the County Agricultural Commissioner. As part of the application process for a restricted materials permit, DPR recommends that County Agricultural Commissioners have permit applicants document alternatives that the applicant considered before applying for the restricted material permit. This letter announces the availability of updates to Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium incorporating this guidance and providing template alternatives worksheets.
- Table of Contents
- Pages i-ii
- Chapter 3, Environmental Impact Report Functional Equivalency
- Pages 3-14 & 15, providing additional explanation for what information can be requested from applicants
- Chapter 7 Permit Evaluations
- Page 7-4, referencing the alternatives worksheet templates
- Appendix B, California Restricted Materials Requirements
- New sections B.1-B.6, containing English and Spanish language versions of “Alternatives Worksheet – Applicant Information & Instructions” and “Alternatives Considered Template
The updated sections are enclosed and will also be available online at the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting webpage. Please remove the old pages from the manual and insert the new pages.
If you have questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.