Update to Compendium Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting; Appendix B-Carbaryl, Appendix D-Rice Pesticides, and Appendix G-Commodity Fumigation
This letter announces the availability of an update to Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium. Please have your staff begin using the update as soon as possible.
Appendix B was updated to reflect revisions to California Code of Regulations sections 6400(c) and (e)4 that narrowed the carbaryl restricted material exceptions to bait labeled only for the production of agricultural commodities.
Appendix D was updated to include permit conditions for the thiobencarb product Willowood Thio Ultramax, EPA Reg. No. 87290-73-AA. Willowood Thio Ultramax is a granular formulation registered for use on rice as of March 2020. Its active ingredient is 15 percent thiobencarb and the thiobencarb-recommended permit conditions apply. This product has the same 30 day water holding period as Bolero® UltraMax. Appendix D, table A and the Annual Rice Reporting Information Form (Form C) now include this product.
Non-substantive corrections were made to the headers in Appendix G pages G-49 through G-52.
The updated Appendices are enclosed and will be available online at https://www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/rstrct_mat.htm. Please remove the old pages from the manual and insert the new pages.
If you have questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.