Update to the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s 2002 Telephone Directory
After finalizing the 2002 Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Telephone Directory in May 2002, I received requests from County Agricultural Commissioners and their staff to add the mailing addresses for our DPR regional offices, and the facsimile numbers for the various divisions, branches, and programs within DPR.
Enclosed you will find a list of facsimile numbers and addresses that may be useful when communicating with DPR. This information will be added to the next revision of the DPR Telephone Directory. I hope you find the enclosure useful in the meantime.
I welcome your comments and suggestions so that I can continue to improve and maintain this directory as a useful tool for you, your staff, and DPR. Please do not hesitate to call me if you have any questions or suggestions.
- Enclosure, PDF