Val Dolcini

Gavin Newsom
Jared Blumenfeld
Secretary for Environmental Protection
ENF 20-06
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Updates to Compendium Volume 2, Laws and Regulations
This letter announces the availability of, and summarizes updates to, Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
A table of updates and corresponding Volume 2 replacement pages (PDF format) are enclosed. An updated Compendium Volume 2 is available on the CalPEATS Help Resources page.
Title 3 California Code of Regulations (3CCR) Update
- Public Health Exemption. New section in 3CCR to exempt public health agencies, or their contractors, from consent and notification requirements prior to pesticide applications during a declared health emergency or declared local health emergency. Operative April 6, 2020.
Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Updates
- Unclaimed Gas Tax. FAC was amended to authorize the California Department of Food and Agriculture to retain and expend a portion of the remaining Unclaimed Gas Tax funding for statewide agricultural programs as agreed upon by the Secretary and the county agricultural commissioners. Operative June 27, 2019.
- Bees: Apiary Protection Act. Amendments to extend existing FAC registration, identification, notice/notification, damage/loss/liability, confidentiality, enforcement and penalties, and provisions to within county relocation of colonies. Operative January 1, 2020 except the operative date for administrative penalty process in lieu of prosecution (section 29313) that is delayed for one year to January 1, 2021.
If you have questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison