Updates to Compendium Volume 2, Laws And Regulations
This letter announces the availability of and summarizes updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
A table of sections changed in Volume 2 is enclosed. An updated Compendium Volume 2 is available on the CalPEATS Help Resources page.
Title 3 California Code of Regulations (3CCR) Updates
Use of Carbon Monoxide Pest Control Devices. New use prohibitions, and specified employer requirements for employee protective eyewear, record keeping, and adverse effect reporting.
Medical Supervision Program. Requirements for contracted physician registration with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and baseline cholinesterase determination establishment.
Business and Professions Code (BPC) Updates
Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program extended to 1/1/2024 and San Diego County removed.
Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Updates
Carbon monoxide control of burrowing rodent pests. Sunset date aligned with that of the CDFA Vertebrate Pest Control Research Program at 1/1/2026.
Licenses and certificates.
- Three-year term. Authorizes regulations for issuance and renewal for a three-year period operative 1/1/2025.
- IPM CE. Adds integrated pest management to examinations and continuing education (CE) courses.
- Categories. Director to establish license and certificate categories and subcategories.
- Private Applicator Certification. Examination shall be in written form.
Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Updates (continued)
Pesticide residue samples. Authority to request produce records; submission within 48 hours required.
Pesticide Penalties.
- Increased criminal, civil, and administrative penalty levels for specified violations.
- Added enforcement authority for the director to initiate and maintain civil enforcement action, or refer violations to the proper enforcement agency, in lieu of penalties levied by the county agricultural commissioner (CAC) for specified violations.
- Authority to adjust civil monetary penalty levels for inflation by regulation.
Bees. Amends Apiary Protection Act authorities and requirements.
Health and Safety Code (HSC) Updates
California Medical Supervision Program extended to 1/1/2027 and additions to testing laboratory reporting requirements.