Updates to Compendium Volume 2, Laws and Regulations
This letter announces the availability of and summarizes updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
A table of updates and corresponding Volume 2 pages that were updated (PDF format) are enclosed. An updated Compendium Volume 2 will be available on the CalPEATS Help Resources page.
Title 3 California Code of Regulations (3CCR) Updates
Pesticide Registration Requirements
- Application for Pesticide Registration form revisions.
- Annual registration renewal fee increase.
Protection of Bees
- 3CCR organization. Pollinator Protection subchapter adopted in Chapter 4. Environmental Protection of Division 6 of 3CCR and sections pertaining to the protection of bees renumbered.
- Aligns terminology, definitions, requirements to reflect federal labeling changes, and conform with U.S.EPA’s pollinator protection policy and California Food and Agricultural Code statutes.
- Update notification procedures for:
- Apiary operators to receive advance notification of pesticide applications.
- Pesticide applicators who intend to apply pesticides labeled toxic to bees.
- Repeal notification service and fees in Butte, Glenn and Tehama counties.
- Citrus/Bee Protection Area.
- Citrus/Bee Protection Area definition revised.
- Three general exemptions for pesticide applications allowed during bloom period, when bees are inactive, without notification.
- Upgrades the written recommendation requirements for control of lepidoptera larvae or citrus thrips.
Business and Professions Code (BPC) Updates
Extends the operation of the Structural Pest Control Board and the authority to appoint an executive officer to January 1, 2024.
Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) Update
Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGAR). Removed requirement for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) to make a determination on the DPR SGAR Reevaluation decision. Provides an exemption for CDFW to determine use of SGARs is required for the protection of threatened or endangered species or their habitats. Refer to: CAC Letters ENF 21-13 and ENF 20-20.
Labor Code (LABOR) Updates
Domestic Work Employee Rights. Extends to domestic work employees the right to be free from discharge or retaliation for health and safety complaint or report, or for refusing to work in violation of any occupational safety or health standard.
Evacuated Areas. Adds a misdemeanor offense for directing an employee to remain in or enter an area closed due to threat to public safety.
If you have questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.