Val Dolcini

Gavin Newsom
Jared Blumenfeld
Secretary for Environmental Protection
ENF 20-13
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Updates to Compendium Volume 2, Laws and Regulations
This letter announces the availability of, and summarizes updates to, Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
A table of updates and corresponding Volume 2 pages that were updated (PDF format) are enclosed. An updated Compendium Volume 2 is available on the CalPEATS Help Resources page.
Title 3 California Code of Regulations (3CCR) Updates
- Definition of Handle. Replace the term “greenhouse” with “enclosed space.” Operative July 1, 2020.
- Carbaryl. Restricted Material exemption narrowed to bait labeled only for production of agricultural plant commodities. Operative August 1, 2020.
- Cotton Harvest Aids. Delete reference to closed system definition removed in 2015 and add grammatical edits. Operative July 1, 2020.
- Field Postings. Amendments address posting responsibility, sign content, posting duration, and ensure consistency with product labeling. Operative July 1, 2020.
- Field Fumigation. Relocate posting duration requirements to Field Postings section and amend to be consistent with field soil fumigant labeling, federal standards, and existing regulations. Operative July 1, 2020.
Title 16 Professional and Vocational Regulations (16CCR) Updates
- Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) Fee. Add three History items addressing emergency readoption, then two 60-day emergency extensions, of the second increase to the WDO inspection and completion activity fee. Certificate of Compliance due September 21, 2020 to avoid repeal by operation of law.
If you have questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
Original signature by:
Joseph Damiano
Chief, Enforcement Headquarters Branch
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Regional Office Branch
Mr. Daniel Rubin, DPR Chief Counsel
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR County/State Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons