Julie Henderson

Gavin Newsom
Yana Garcia
Secretary for Environmental Protection
ENF 24-15
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Updates to Compendium Volume 2, Statutes and Regulations
This letter announces the availability of and summarizes updates to Volume 2, Statutes and Regulations, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium. A table of sections changed in Volume 2 is enclosed. An updated Compendium Volume 2 will be available on the CalPEATS Help Resources page.
Title 3, California Code of Regulations Updates
DPR Product Registration Fee increases.
Mill Assessment rate updated to align with amended Food and Agricultural Code Section 12841(f).
License and Certificate Fee increases and updated forms.
Title 16, California Code of Regulations Updates
- Revised the Standard Structural Fumigation Log form to align with federal standards.
- Amended the non-fumigation structural pest control application report to align with federal standards.
If you have any questions, contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
Original signature by:
Joshua Ogawa
Chief, Enforcement Headquarters Branch
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Regional Offices Branch
- Compendium Volume 2. Updates ENF 24-15
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR County/State Liaison (w/Enclosure)
Enforcement Branch Liaisons (w/Enclosure)