Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 16-01
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Compendium, Closed Systems, Research Authorizations

Effective January 1, 2016, regulations were amended to provide better protection through use of a closed mixing system for certain pesticide products. These new requirements use a tiered mitigation approach based on the pesticide label’s human hazards and precautionary statements. Also revised was the section on research authorizations.

Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR)

Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR)
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
3CCR 6000 Deleted Closed System definition deleted 1/1/2016
3CCR 6188 Amended Registrant Data Requirement for Closed System Compatibility 1/1/2016
3CCR 6264 Amended Research Authorizations: 72 hour prior notification to CAC, revised term from Notice of Intent to “Notice of Application” 1/1/2016
3CCR 6266 Amended Research Authorizations: New form for Reporting Use DPR-REG-029 1/1/2016
3 CCR 6742 (b)(5) Added Protection of External Sight Gauges on Equipment 1/1/2016
3CCR 6746 Amended Expanded Closed Mixing System Requirements,Design Criteria, Tiered Approach based on Labeled Hazards 1/1/2016
3 CCR 6793 Amended Minimal Exposure Pesticides: Moved some requirements to 6746, added Requirement to wear Personal Protective Equipment 1/1/2016

Division 7, Food and Agricultural Code (FAC)

Division 7, Food and Agricultural Code (FAC)
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
13127.92. (a) Correction Typographical Error Correction N/A

Printing copies: We advise printing two-sided to maintain correct pagination for insertion into your Volume 2, Laws and Regulations Compendium Manual.

Page insertion instructions: Insert new pages in the correct numerological location and remove the outdated pages.

If you have any further questions please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.


Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch


Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons