Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Brian R. Leahy
California State Seal
Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 15-13
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium

This letter announces issuance of a revised Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium. Your office will soon receive a CD with the latest revisions. You are free to make as many copies as you need.

New pesticide-related laws became effective on January 1, 2015, including groundwater protection, carbon monoxide devices, and anti-coagulants. On July 1, the revised Worker Safety personal protective equipment regulations became effective, as did the regulation adding agricultural use of chlorpyrifos to the restricted materials list. The 2015 CD contains new and amended sections of the Food and Agricultural Code (FAC), Business and Professions Code (BPC), and Title 3, California Code of Regulations (3CCR) as follows:

Food and Agricultural Code

Food and Agricultural Code
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
FAC 12978.7 Added Anticoagulants, Prohibited in Wildlife Areas 1-1-2015
FAC 12996(c) Amended Violations: Criminal Penalties, Exempts Schools Pesticide-Use Training Requirement 1-1-2015
FAC 12999.4(a) Amended Civil Penalties: Adds Schools Training Requirement (FAC 13186.5) 1-1-2015
FAC 12999.5(a) Amended Civil Penalties: Adds Carbon Monoxide Device (FAC 14160-14161) 1-1-2015
FAC 13182 Amended Schools: Pesticide Training 1-1-2015
FAC 13186 Amended Schools: Records, Notification, Adds PCO 1-1-2015
FAC 13186.5 Added Schools: Pesticide Use Training 1-1-2015
FAC 14160 – 14161 Added Carbon Monoxide Pest Control Devices: Defined and rulemaking authority 1-1-2015

FAC sections with general edits (typographical errors, previous omissions, repeals, etc.): 11472.1, 12042, 12794.5-12795.6 12798.1, 12811.5, 12836.6, 12838, 12841.4, 12846-12846.5, 12996, 13142, 13144-13145, 13148-13149, 13152, 13181, 13183-13185, 13187, 14022-14024, 14152, 14161, 15204.

Business and Professions Code

Business and Professions Code
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
BPC Div. 3. Chapters 14-14.5 Add previous amendments Miscellaneous clean-up and Healthy Schools Act sections Various
BPC 8593.2 Added Schools, Training 7/1/2016

Title 3, California Code of Regulations

Title 3, California Code of Regulations
Code / Section Action Subject Date Effective
3CCR 6000 Deleted “Assure” Or “Ensure” 7/1/2015
3CCR 6000 Deleted Chemical Resistant or Waterproof 7/1/2015
3CCR 6400 Amended Chlorpyrifos – Added when used on agricultural commodities 7/1/2015
3CCR 6400 Amended Methyl Iodide – Unregistered 8/6/2014
3CCR 6446 Repealed Methyl Iodide – Removed 8/6/2014
3CCR 6446.1 Repealed Methyl Iodide – Removed 8/6/2014
3CCR 6486.7 Deleted Azinphos Methyl 7/1/2015
3CCR 6624 Amended PUR – Remove Methyl Iodide 8/6/2014
3CCR 6736 Deleted Coveralls 7/1/2015
3CCR 6738 Amended Personal Protective Equipment Care 7/1/2015
3CCR 6738.1 Added Personal Protective Equipment Use 7/1/2015
3CCR 6738.2 Added Selection of Protective Eyewear 7/1/2015
3CCR 6738.3 Added Selection of Gloves 7/1/2015
3CCR 6738.4 Added Personal Protective Equipment Exemptions 7/1/2015
3CCR 6739(j)(B)-(D) Amended Respiratory Protection 7/1/2015
3CCR 6764(b)(9) Amended Fieldworker Training – Heat-related illness 7/1/2015
3CCR 6793 Amended Minimal Exposure Pesticides – Safety Use Requirements 7/1/2015
3CCR 6795(a) Amended Removed MSHA approved respiratory protection 7/1/2015
3CCR 6800 Amended Groundwater Protection List 10/1/2014

3CCR sections with general edit (typographical error and non-substantive changes): 6000, 6512, 6702, 6720, 6724, 6771, and 6795.

Enclosed is a revised Table of Contents, which also contains a description of the authorities found in pages of the 1991 and 2012 Governor’s Reorganization Plans.

When printing copies, we advise printing two-sided to maintain correct pagination for insertion into your Volume 2, Laws and Regulations Compendium manual.

If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.


Original signature by:
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Branch


Mr. Joe Marade, DPR Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons