Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
This letter contains updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
This update includes changes to the Business and Professions Code (BPC), and Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) resulting from the passage of structural fumigation bill AB 1177, Bocanegra (Chapter 596, Statutes of 2013). Also included is FAC 2001-2003 which was inadvertently omitted from previous versions. This update is composed of the following:
Summary of Changes:
Code/Section | Action | Subject | Date Effective |
BPC § 8698 | Amended | Structural Fumigation Enforcement Program | 1/1/2014 |
BPC § 8698.1 | Amended | ” “ | 1/1/2014 |
BPC § 8698.3 | Amended | ” “ | 1/1/2014 |
BPC § 8698.4 | Added | ” “ | 1/1/2014 |
BPC § 8698.6 | Amended | ” “ | 1/1/2014 |
FAC § 2001-2003 | Correction | County Organization | 1/1/1968 |
FAC § 15204.6 | Added | Delinquent Fees and SPCB Registration | 1/1/2014 |
Page Change Guide:
Remove Page(s) | Replace with Page(s) | Number of Pages Inserted |
BPC § 8697 – Blank Page | BPC § 8697 – Blank Page | 2 |
Insert only | FAC 2001 – Blank Page | 1 |
FAC § 15201-15300 | FAC § 15201-15300 | 2 |
We advise copying two-sided to maintain correct pagination for insertion into your Volume 2, Laws and Regulations Compendium.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.