Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
This letter contains an update to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
This update is composed of the Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) non-fumigant regulations pertaining to the San Joaquin Valley Ozone Nonattainment Area. These regulations become effective on November 1, 2013. Please note that ENF 13-20 summarized these non-fumigant regulations. Also included in this update are non-substantive changes to the Groundwater Protection List and a general regulatory clean-up.
This update includes changes for:
- Food and Agricultural Code
- Title 3, California Code of Regulations
Each separate law or regulation has its own attachment that contains a Summary of Changes and a Page Change Guide. Please note: To print the update, open and print each of the enclosures. It is recommended the sections be duplexed (printed two-sided). Remove the old pages from the manual and insert the new pages.
We will be issuing a new Volume 2 compact disk (CD) in a month. We will be mailing this CD to your office directly. This will allow your office to print manuals for new staff.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Food and Agricultural Code Replacement Page Guide
- Title 3 California Code of Regulations Replacement Page Guide