Brian R. Leahy

Edmund G. Brown Jr.
ENF 12-06
To: County Agricultural Commissioners
Updates to Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
This letter announces the availability of, and summarizes updates and changes to, Volume 2, Laws and Regulations, one of eight volumes of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium.
This update includes changes for:
- Food and Agricultural Code
- Title 3, California Code of Regulations
- Business and Professions Code
- Health and Safety Code
Each separate law or regulation has its own attachment that contains a summary of the changes. Please note: To print the revised portions of the manual, open and print each of the enclosures. It is recommended the sections be duplexed (printed back-to-back). Remove the old sections from the manual and insert the new sections.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
Original signature by:
George Farnsworth
Chief, Enforcement Branch
- Food and Agricultural Code, Replacement Page Guide
- Title 3 California Code of Regulations, Replacement Page Guide
- Business and Professions Code, Summary of Changes
- Health and Safety Code, Summary of Changes
Mr. Jim Shattuck, DPR Interim Agricultural Commissioner Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons