Updates to Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
This letter announces the availability of, and summarizes updates to, Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium. Updates are enclosed and also available online at the link provided below. Please have your staff begin using these updates as soon as possible. Hard copies of the updates will not be distributed.
Changes caused by the volatile organic compound (VOC) requirements necessitated a major reorganization to Appendix C. In order to minimize future changes to the page numbering, those sections least likely to have major changes have been moved to the front of this section, while sections most likely to have changes have been moved to the back. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause.
To print the revised portions of the manual, select from the enclosures or go to www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/rstrct_mat.htm. It is recommended the sections be printed back-to-back where applicable. Remove the old sections from the manual and insert the new sections:
- Restricted Materials and Permitting Updates (1 page)
- Replacement Page Instructions
- Table of Contents (2 pages)
- Appendix A, Glossary (5 pages)
- Added four acronyms and two VOC-related definitions
- Appendix C, Department of Pesticide Regulation Recommended Permit Conditions (143 pages); changes to text include:
- Page C-1-replaced Appendix C Table of Contents;
- Page C-31-Permit Process changed to Permit Issuance, paragraph reformatted (same information), and paragraph on Licensing issues deleted;
- Page C-32-added new block, Permit process;
- Page C-106-revised Soil Fumigation, Section C.7, Table of Contents;
- Page C-109-deleted incorrect information block Nighttime applications;
- Page C-123-editorial change only;
- Page C-137-added Suggested Table for Time Restrictions: Real-time Monitoring;
- Page C-138-section B renamed Air Monitoring Equipment. This section adds real-time remote sensor monitors by PureAire Monitoring Systems, in addition to the use of colorimetric detector tubes. Although currently placed in the soil fumigation section, these air monitoring methods apply to enclosed areas, including commodity fumigations. This will be addressed in a future update;
- Page C-141-clarified section describing application equipment criteria;
- Page C-142-added Drench Application of Metam-Potassium or Metam-Sodium to Approved Alternatives;
- Moved Tarped Potting Soil Fumigation from Soil Fumigation into Commodity Fumigation;
- Pages C-63, C-64, C-65, C-66, C-67, C-74, C-81, C-89, C-90, C-91, C-92, C-93, and C-100-updated references to page numbers
- Appendix E, Understanding California’s Definitions of Agricultural Use and Non Agricultural Use Pest Control (1 page; changes are on page E-1 only)
- Corrected information to show FDA and added MOU information to the footnote
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Restricted Materials and Permitting Updates (1 page), PDF
- Table of Contents (2 pages), PDF
- Appendix A, Glossary (5 pages), PDF
- Appendix C, Department of Pesticide Regulation Recommended Permit Conditions (143 pages), PDF
- Appendix E, Understanding California's Definitions of Agricultural Use and Non-Agricultural Use Pest Control (1 page), PDF