Updates To Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium, Appendix O-Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions
This letter describes the availability of updates to Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium, Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, Appendix O, Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions. The Department of Pesticide Regulation recommends the use of these interim conditions statewide for permits that go into effect on January 1, 2019 for chlorpyrifos used to produce an agricultural commodity.
Updates to the chlorpyrifos interim permit conditions include:
- Prohibition on aerial applications
- Establishment of buffer zone requirements
- Restricting the use of chlorpyrifos to specified critical uses or application types.
- 40-acre application block acreage limit
The interim permit conditions are enclosed and will be available online at the link below. To print the revised portions of the compendium, select from the enclosures or go to www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/rstrct_mat.htm. It is recommended the sections be printed back-to-back, where applicable. For best results, print each chapter and appendix separately. Remove the old pages from the manual (Compendium) and insert the new pages:
- Appendix O, Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit ConditionsoRemove pages O-1 to O-4 and replace with revised pages
If you have any questions, contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.