Updates to Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium, Appendix O: Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions
This letter announces the availability of updates to Appendix O, Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions from Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium Volume 3, Restricted Materials and Permitting. These interim recommended permit conditions pertain to the use of chlorpyrifos when used to produce an agricultural commodity, and replaces the previous recommended permit conditions found in Enforcement letter ENF 15-09.
Updates are enclosed and will be available online at the link provided below. Please have your staff begin using these updates as soon as possible. Hard copies of the updates will not be distributed.
The attached revised interim recommended permit conditions minimize bystander exposure and mitigate hazards associated with the offsite movement of chlorpyrifos during application.
This update: 1) includes additional application method restrictions, 2) defines application block, sensitive site, and setback distance, 3) determines application rate, and 4) provides guidance on setback distances.
To print the revised portions of the manual, select from the enclosures or go to www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/compend/vol_3/rstrct_mat.htm. It is recommended the sections be printed back-to-back, where applicable. For best results, print appendix separately. Remove the old section from the manual and insert the new section:
- Appendix O, Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.
- Appendix O, Chlorpyrifos Interim Recommended Permit Conditions
- Replacement Page Instructions - English pdf