Validation of Structural Pesticide Use Stamps Via Cal Ag Permits
Effective June 2, 2014 Structural Pesticide Use Stamps (Stamps) issued by the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) will be validated through CalAgPermits.
The existing requirement to affix the structural pesticide use stamp (Stamp) to Monthly Summary Pesticide Use Reports (MSPURs) submitted by structural pest control companies (SPCCs) has been updated to include electronic and on-line submissions.
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board agreed upon the validation of issued Stamps through CalAgPermits which will account for the purchase and proper use of Stamps submitted electronically, on-line or by hard copy (paper submissions).
Electronic Submissions:
CalAgPermits will now include a Stamp Field for entry of the unique Stamp number issued by the SPCB. Stamp numbers can be entered on-line by SPCCs or electronically by County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs).
Paper Submissions:
SPCCs may continue to submit to CACs a paper copy of a MSPUR with a Stamp affixed.
Stamp Retention:
DPR provided the following options to CACs regarding the retention of Stamps to comply with regulations for structural MSPUR/Stamp record retention requirements. The options apply to either paper, on-line or electronic submissions of structural MSPURs.
- SPCC retains the purchased Stamp.
- Stamp(s) are kept by SPCC, affixed to the MSPUR paper copy and submitted to the CAC as required. Stamps are validated upon MSPUR submission or during a CAC inspection.
- Stamp# for each required MSPUR is submitted on-line. SPCC retains MSPUR / Stamp submission. Stamp# validated through CalAgPermits.
- CAC retains Stamps submitted by SPCC.
- SPCCs submit up to 12 Stamps at beginning of calendar year to each CAC in which work will be performed.
- SPCC submits MSPUR as required, and CAC electronically enters Stamp# through CalAgPermits for each MSPUR submission. CACs validate Stamps in their possession.
Structural Stamp Validation:
SPCB staff will log onto CalAgPermits, and enter the letter/6 digit number of the latest structural stamp sold. SPCB staff will update issued Stamps via CalAgPermits on a weekly basis to provide timely validation. The letter prefix is “D” followed by a 6 digit number.
When Monthly Summary Pesticide Use Reports for structural applications (Code 10) are entered into CalAgPermits, CAC & SPCC users are reminded to enter a Stamp# in the proper letter/6 digit number format.
On June 8, 2014, the validation process will start, and every Sunday thereafter. The validation will compare the Stamp# entered on all reports created during the previous week (e.g. June 2-8), with the latest Stamp# entered by SPCB staff and with all Stamp#s in CalAgPermits. The Stamp Validation Process will identify whether:
- an unsold Stamp# is being used or;
- the Stamp# is a duplicate of the Stamp# on an existing report for a different month, county, or operator, or;
- a Stamp# is missing
Negative reports can be submitted on-line without a Stamp#. CACs can query for all reports submitted by operators to determine whether months are missing. Records generated via CalAgPermits for invalid Stamp# entries will be transmitted to SPCB staff who may contact the appropriate County Agricultural Commissioner to investigate and take further action.
If you have any questions, please contact the Enforcement Branch Liaison assigned to your county.