Department of Pesticide Regulation logo
Val Dolcini
California State Seal
Gavin Newsom
Jared Blumenfeld
Secretary for Environmental Protection
ENF 20-16
To: County Agricultural Commissioners

Virtual Structural Regulatory Training – Basic Level

Due to COVID-19 and state budget restrictions, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) and the Structural Pest Control Board (SPCB) are providing virtual (Zoom) basic level Structural Regulatory Training (SRT) in late October 2020. This Basic SRT is designed for newer County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) staff who conduct structural pest control inspections or investigations. Staff that were nominated by their county will be notified if they are approved by DPR to attend. Priority was given to CAC staff who are new to the structural program and have not previously attended this training.

Training Dates and Times:

Training is from 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday October 27, Wednesday October 28, and Thursday October 29. CAC attendees will need to allow sufficient time prior to the beginning of each day’s session to log on, and have that day’s e-copies of training materials available to them as needed.

Training and Registration Information:

CAC staff nominees who have been approved to attend, please confirm your participation by registering online via our Survey Monkey by Friday, October 16, 2020 using the following link:

Agenda Summary:

Agenda Summary
Tuesday – 10/27 / FOCUS: Branch 2-3 Wednesday- 10/28 / FOCUS: Branch 1 Thursday – 10/29 / FOCUS: General
SPCB Licensing Inspection Report 107 HQ/Records: Inspection Report 110
Surface Water Regulations California Aeration Plan (CAP) SPCB Program Overview
Inspection Report 108 Is this a Violation? (Branch 1 & 2-3) Elements of the Violation

Training Preparation for Participants:

Once approved attendees have registered, they will receive information about the Zoom session, including presentation related materials, tech system requirements, and tips on how to optimize their Zoom experience. Prior to the training DPR will also offer registered attendees an optional tutorial about how to use Zoom’s various features.

Attendees who have never observed any structural inspections would greatly benefit from seeing at least one prior to the SRT.

We highly recommended that all registered participants review the following before this training:

  • DPR Zoom session information delivered prior to the first day of this session
  • Volume 4, Inspection Procedures Manual Chapters 7, 8, and 10:
  • Current registered labels for the sulfuryl fluoride structural fumigants such as Vikane (EPA # 1015-78) and Zythor (EPA # 81824-1)
  • Structural Fumigation Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-107
  • Structural Use Monitoring Inspection Report; PR-ENF-108
  • Pest Control Business Headquarters Inspection Report; PR-ENF-110 (B and D sections)

If you have any questions regarding registering for the training or accessing the training materials, please contact Ms. Peggy Byerly, DPR Enforcement Branch, Structural Liaison at


Original signature by:
Joseph Damiano
Chief, Enforcement Headquarters Branch
Donna Marciano
Chief, Enforcement Regional Office Branch
Ms. Susan Saylor, Executive Officer/Registrar, Structural Pest Control Board, Department of Consumer Affairs, 2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1500, Sacramento, California 95815
Ms. Peggy Byerly, DPR Structural Liaison
Mr. Joe Marade, DPR County/State Liaison
Enforcement Branch Liaisons