Volume 4 – Inspection Procedures, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has completed Volume 4, Inspection Procedures, of the Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards Compendium previously described in ENF 2005-2. The Compendium contains DPR’s standards and expectations for the pesticide use enforcement program implemented by CAC staff. This Compendium update is issued by DPR as part of its responsibility to assist in planning and developing county programs in areas of uniformity, training and coordination.
Inspection Procedures provides information, policies, and procedures for CAC staff to conduct pesticide use application and other inspections. The Inspection Procedures can be found online at www.cdpr.ca.gov/docs/enforce/pest_enf.htm. Please have your staff begin using this reference immediately.
Inspection Procedures replaces the previous manual developed in 1997 and revised in 2003. Contents of this reference supersede guidance contained in earlier manuals and previous enforcement letters. This revision incorporates comments received from CAC staff about the online draft Inspection Procedures. A list of noteworthy changes from the previous manual is enclosed.
Although the Inspection Procedures is written to reflect the revised inspection forms, the new forms will not be available until late fiscal year 2008/2009 to allow for completion of database modifications to DPR’s Inspection Tracking System and to the Automated Inspection Reporting System (AIRS). Until that time, use the current forms and the Interim Checklist and Procedures issued in ENF 2008-16 and ENF 2008-19.
Changes to the Inspection Procedures will be issued as updates to the Compendium and will be available online. Suggestions for changes, additions, or deletions to the Compendium should be directed to DPR, Enforcement Branch.
Inspection Procedures training will be offered statewide in late 2008. Training dates and location information will be distributed in an enforcement letter. Hard copies of Volume 4 will be distributed to CAC staff at the trainings.
To obtain a copy of the Inspection Procedures on a CD, please contact Mostafa Chrichi, Environmental Scientist, at mchrichi@cdpr.ca.gov by November 28, 2008.
If you have questions, please contact your Enforcement Branch Liaison.
- Inspection Procedures, PDF