Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC)
The Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC) within the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) will support the department’s inclusion and consideration of diverse perspectives to inform its decision-making processes and foster equitable outcomes for communities most impacted by pest management decisions. This advisory committee, established by AB 652, is tasked with advising DPR on policies and programs that address environmental justice concerns – particularly those of communities living in areas of high pesticide use.
Environmental Justice Advisory Committee – Launching by January 1, 2026.
What’s Next?
DPR is in the process of developing the necessary framework to support the EJAC, including the process for nominations and appointments of EJAC members and for the convening and operation of the committee. In the coming months, DPR will engage the public to solicit nominations for committee members. EJAC members will work collaboratively to propose prioritized recommendations and provide critical input on issues affecting communities living in areas of high pesticide use.
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Still have a Question or Need More Information?
Please contact us with questions or visit the Contact Us page on our website to connect with other programs at DPR.
Email: EJACinfo@cdpr.ca.gov