2010/11 Progress Report
In its Progress Report, DPR summarizes major recent accomplishments and highlights future initiatives. It may be read or downloaded as a single PDF file or by individual sections.
- 2010-11 Progress Report, PDF (1 mb) (20-page report; does not include Balance sheet, PDF (150 kb)
- Cover, Perspectives from Our Executive Team, and Director's letter, "A Record of Achievement", PDF (132 kb)
- Protecting the
Environment, PDF (238 kb)
- Targeting Smog-Producing Emissions from Pesticides
- Reducing Air Toxins
- Expanding Our Knowledge About Pesticides in Air
- Protecting Surface Water
- Reducing Risk, PDF (484 kb)
- Advancing Reduced-Risk Strategies
- Making IPM Part of the School Day
- Invasion! (Five county agricultural commissioners share their experiences with invasive species)
- Significant Declines in Higher-Hazard Pesticides
- Building a Better
DPR, PDF (260 kb)
- Stronger Enforcement Protects Everyone
- Ensuring Equal Protection
- Legislation Enhances DPR Authority, Effectiveness
- Monitoring the Marketplace
- Delivering Services, Information Online
- Balance sheet, PDF (150 kb)
- Pesticide regulatory program funding
- Major business functions and key activities