Field Sampling Method (FS)
Standard Operating Procedures
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Air sampling
- FSAI001.01, Preparation of Air Sampling Tubes and Resin Jars, PDF. C. Ganapathy, 2003.
- FSAI003.00, Conducting a Trapping Efficiency Study for Air Monitoring using Standard in Solvent, PDF. C. Ganapathy, 2003.
Soil sampling
- FSSO001.01, Soil Bulk Density Determination Using the Eijkelkamp Soil Sampler, PDF. K. Richardson, 2014.
- FSSO002.01, Soil Sampling, Including Auger and Surface Soil Procedures, PDF. T. Powell, 2021.
- FSSO004.00, Measuring Infiltration Rate with a Cornell Sprinkle Infiltrometer. H. Dietrich, 2005.
Water sampling
- FSWA001.04, Obtaining Well Water Samples, PDF. T. Kocis, 2022.
- FSWA002.00, Conducting Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides, PDF. K. Bennett, 1997.
- FSWA003.01, Equal-Width-Increment Sampling of Surface Waters, PDF. D. Jones, 1999.
- FSWA004.00, Instructions for Splitting Water and Rinsing the Geotech Dekaport Splitterand Splitting Equipment, PDF. C. Ganapathy, 1998.
- FSWA005.00, Instructions for Rinsing Surface Water Sampling Containers, PDF. C. Garretson and C. Ganapathy, 1998.
- FSWA006.03, Planning, Conducting and Documenting Small-Scale Groundwater Monitoring Studies, PDF. C. Nordmark, 2022.
- FSWA007.00, Instructions for Preserving Water Samples Using Hydrochloric Acid (HCL), PDF. A. Bradley, and C. Ganapathy, 1998.
- FSWA008.00, Sampling for Surface Water Runoff in Agricultural Fields, PDF. F. Spurlock, 1999.
- FSWA009.01, Procedure for Determining Wadable Stream Discharge With Price Current Meters. A. Moncada, 2004.
- FSWA010.00, Instructions for Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Wadable Waters Using the Multi- habitat Method (Non-point Source). J. Bacey, 2003.
- FSWA013.00, Instructions for Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Wadable Waters Using the California Stream Bioassessment Procedure (Non-point Source). J. Bacey, 2003.
- FSWA014.01, Instructions for the Use of the Global FP101 and FP201 Flow Probe for Estimating Discharge in Wadable Streams, PDF. M. Goehring, 2008.
- FSWA015.00, Instructions for Sampling Benthic Macroinvertebrates in Wadeable Waters Using the Modified U.S. EPA EMAP Method. J. Bacey and A. Moncada, 2004.
- FSWA017.00, Procedures for Collecting Water and Sediment Samples for Pesticide Analysis, PDF. X. Deng and M. Ensminger, 2021.
- FSWA018.00, Instructions for Cleaning Groundwater Sampling Equipment, PDF. N. Pereira, 2023.
- FSWA019.00, Collection of Preserved Nitrate Samples and Safety, PDF. D. Carlson, 2024.
Other types of sampling
- FSOT001.01, Sampling Plants of Interest to Native Americans. Environmental Measurement Methods. R. Segawa, 1997.
- FSOT002.01, Instructions for the Calibration and Use of a Spherical Densiometer. A. Washburn, 2004.
- FSOT003.00, Determining Height and Slope using the Clino Master. J. Bacey, 2003.
- FSOT004.00, Using the Garmin GPSIII+ Unit. H. Imgrund, 2003.
- FSOT005.00, Mass Deposition Sampling Using Mass Deposition Sheets. J. Walters, 2003.
- FSOT006.00, Procedure for Sampling Foliage for Pesticide Residue. P. Gurusinghe, 2006.
- FSOT007.01, Procedure for Sampling Pesticide Application Equipment, PDF R. Pitts, 2020.
- FSOT008.00, Procedure for Collecting Samples of Totally Impermeable Film for Permeability Analysis.