Toxic Air Contaminant Program

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California's Toxic Air Contaminant Act created the statutory framework for the evaluation and control of chemicals as toxic air contaminants (TACs). In implementing the law, DPR must determine the levels of human exposure in the environment and estimate the potential human health risk from those exposures. DPR's evaluation report undergoes review by other government agencies, the public, and a Scientific Review Panel.

Based on the evaluation, the Director of the DPR determines whether the candidate is a TAC. If the Director determines the pesticide meets the criteria, DPR designates the pesticide a TAC in regulation, and adds it to the TAC list. The law also requires DPR to administratively designate pesticides as toxic air contaminants if they are substances listed as Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs) under section 7412 of Title 42 of the United States Code.

Once a pesticide has been designated a TAC, it enters the control, or mitigation, phase. In the mitigation phase, DPR investigates the need for, and appropriate degree of, control for the TAC. If reductions in exposure are needed, DPR must develop control measures to reduce emissions to levels that adequately protect public health.

Implementing control measures under the TAC program is methodical and time-consuming. DPR may use other legal authority to implement control measures, particularly for pesticides that pose an immediate health threat.

Background Information:


Evaluation (risk assessment):

Information on health effects and exposure of toxic air contaminants

  • Scientific Review Panel (SRP):
    Charged with evaluating the risk assessments of substances proposed for designation as toxic air contaminants by the Air Resources Board (ARB) and DPR

Control (risk management):

For content questions, contact:
Minh Pham
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-0979