Addressing Pesticide Applications Near Schools and Child Care Facilities
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California has adopted regulations that address agricultural pesticide applications near public K-12 schools and licensed child day care centers (collectively referred to as schoolsites). These regulations provide minimum distance standards for certain agricultural pesticide applications near schoolsites and require annual notifications to schoolsites. The goal is to reduce the chances of unintended pesticide exposure to children and increase communication between growers, County Agricultural Commissioners, and schoolsites. The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) has a separate School and Child Care IPM Program to address pesticide applications at schoolsites.
- Presentation on the Regulation, PDF
- Text of Regulation DPR 16-004, PDF
Information for Growers and Applicators
- Reporting Pesticide Applications Near Schools, PDF | En Español, PDF
- Fact sheet for growers and applicators, PDF | En Español, PDF
- Notification templates – Growers may use the following templates, CalAgPermits, or their own form to prepare the required notifications
- CalAgPermits School Notifications Quick Overview, PDF
Information for School Principals and Child Day Care Administrators
- Fact sheet for schoolsites, PDF | En Español, PDF
- Information for schoolsite administrators about, PDF – The website is only accessible by authorized schoolsite administrators
- Sources of general and specific information about pesticides
- The National Pesticide Information Center (NPIC) provides science-based information about pesticides and related topics to assist the public when making decisions about pesticide use. NPIC is funded by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, in collaboration with Oregon State University, and maintains a detailed website that includes among other things human health information, safe use practices, a pesticide product search, fact sheets, and guidance on what to do in the case of an emergency; operates a toll-free call center from Monday through Friday; collects pesticide incident data; and provides links to additional sources of information about pesticides.
- DPR's Community Guide to Recognizing and Reporting Pesticide Problems makes it easier for people to get help in a pesticide emergency and resolve pesticide use complaints and concerns. The 36-page booklet also has information about how DPR and the county agricultural commissioners oversee the safe use of pesticides in California. And the guide tells you how to find information on pesticide use in your areas.
- DPR has a website containing a series of fact sheets on various pesticide issues, such as:
Information for County Agricultural Commissioners
- ENF 18-15. Compliance Assistance for Agricultural Pesticide Use Near Schoolsites
- Guidance document, PDF
- CalAgPermits Instructions, PDF
- Training Presentation, PDF (PowerPoint)
Documents Related to the Preparation of the Regulation
For content questions contact:
Enforcement Headquarters
Phone : 916-324-4100