California Code of Regulations (Title 3. Food and Agriculture)
Division 6. Pesticides and Pest Control Operations

Division 6. Pesticides and Pest Control Operations
Chapter 1. Pesticide Regulatory Program
Subchapter 4. Inspection and Investigation Procedures
Article 1. Inspection, Copying and Sampling

6140. Inspection Authority.

(a) The director or commissioner may, during business hours, or if necessary to ensure immediate compliance, at any other reasonable time enter and inspect, and/or sample any of the following or related items in order to determine compliance with the provisions of this chapter and Divisions 6 and 7 of the Food and Agricultural Code, which pertain to pesticides and pest control operations.

(1) Fields, areas, structures, and greenhouses where pesticides are handled, stored or applied;

(2) Growing crops and harvested commodities;

(3) Equipment (including protective clothing and equipment) used to store, transport or handle pesticides;

(4) Change areas and other facilities used by employees; and

(5) Pesticides and tank mixtures thereof.

(b) Each person responsible, pursuant to the provisions of this Chapter and Division 6 and 7 of the Food and Agricultural Code which pertain to pesticides and pest control operations, for preparing and maintaining records, shall make those records available to the director or commissioner during business hours upon demand of the director or commissioner. The required records include:

(1) Records concerning work hours, training and medical monitoring of employees;

(2) Pest control recommendations and pesticide use and operations records; and

(3) Pesticide transaction, sales and delivery records.


NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.


Reference: Sections 11456, 12980 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.


6141. Employee Interviews.

The director or commissioner may confidentially interview any employee during work hours when reasonably necessary for an investigation of employee illness(es) suspected of having been caused by a pesticide or to investigate a suspected pesticide related safety violation.


NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.


Reference: Sections 11456, 12980 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.

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