California Code of Regulations (Title 3. Food
and Agriculture)
Division 6. Pesticides and Pest Control Operations
Division 6. Pesticides and Pest Control Operations
Chapter 3. Pest Control Operations
Subchapter 3. Pesticide Worker Safety
Article 5. Minimal Exposure Pesticides
6790. Minimal Exposure Pesticides.
This article applies to the following:
(a) Bromoxynil (Buctril, Bronate)
(b) Folpet
(c) Oxydemeton-methyl (Metasystox-R)
(d) Propargite (Omite, Omite CR, Comite)
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.
Reference: Sections 12980 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.
The following exemptions apply to the specific minimal exposure pesticides:
(a) Folpet, when contained in or added to paints, coatings, or caulking compounds, is exempt from the requirements of this article.
(b) (Reserved).
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.
Reference: Sections 12980 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.
The following conditions apply to the specific minimal exposure pesticides:
(a) Applications of oxydemeton-methyl to ornamental landscape trees and shrubs shall be made by trunk injection or soil injection methods only;
(b) Oxydemeton-methyl shall not be applied within a greenhouse; and
(c) Propargite shall not be applied within a greenhouse.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.
Reference: Sections 12980 and 23981, Food and Agricultural Code.
6793. Minimal Exposure Pesticide Safety Use Requirements.
(a) The employer shall provide a clothing change area and instructions, as required by section 6732, for employees who handle minimal exposure pesticides for any period of time, regardless of the toxicity category of the product used.
(b) The employer shall provide washing facilities, as specified in section 6734, where minimal exposure pesticides are mixed or loaded, regardless of the toxicity category of the product used.
(c) The employer shall provide and maintain coveralls and require them to be worn, regardless of the toxicity category.
(d) The employer shall provide and require employees to wear full-body, chemical-resistant protective clothing, as specified in subsections 6738.1(g), when handling minimal exposure pesticides. Employees working in the following situations are not required by this subsection to wear chemical-resistant, full-body protective clothing, but this clothing shall be present at the work site:
(1) employees using a closed system, or sealed water soluble packets, while mixing, loading, or transferring these pesticides. These employees shall wear a chemical-resistant apron, protective eyewear, chemical-resistant gloves, and chemical-resistant boots;
(2) employees working as applicators in enclosed cabs;
(3) applicators using vehicle-mounted or towed equipment to inject or incorporate these pesticides into the soil; and
(4) applicators using equipment with vehicle-mounted spray nozzles directed downward and located below the level of the employee.
(e) The employer shall provide and require employees to wear respiratory protection, as specified in section 6739, when engaged in:
(1) Hand application or ground application of minimal exposure pesticides, except:
(A) Reserved;
(B) applicators using vehicle-mounted or towed equipment to inject or incorporate these pesticides into the soil; and
(C) applicators using equipment with vehicle-mounted spray nozzles directed downward and located below the level of the employee;
(2) Mixing or loading dry formulations of minimal exposure pesticides, except mixers or loaders using sealed water-soluble packets.
(f) All protective clothing and equipment shall be cleaned inside and out or discarded at the end of the day's use.
NOTE: Authority cited: Sections 11456 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code. Reference: Sections 12980 and 12981, Food and Agricultural Code.