SprayDays California
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) began the development of a statewide system in 2021 following 2021-2022 State Budget allocations by the California State Legislature to provide the public with access to information prior to intended applications of restricted material pesticides on farms across California.
DPR proposed regulations in 2023 to implement the system statewide. The regulations were approved in December 2024. The final regulations support the statewide implementation of SprayDays California, a first-of-its-kind system to provide advance information on the planned applications of California restricted material pesticides used in production agriculture. The statewide notification regulations became effective February 24, 2025, and DPR is on track to begin the implementation of the statewide system on March 24, 2025.
SprayDays California will provide the public with timely information in advance of California restricted material pesticide applications on farms. The system will feature a web-based map and option to sign-up for email and/or text message notifications sent 48 hours prior to the intended use of soil fumigants and 24 hours prior to the intended use of other restricted material pesticides.
Resources for Growers and Applicators
Review this fact sheet for guidance on the regulatory requirement for submission of Notices of Intent (NOI) prior to the agricultural use of a restricted material pesticide.
System Development
DPR conducted a two-year period of public outreach to inform the development of the statewide information system, including four focus groups and eight public meetings held between 2021-2022, and a series of pilot projects hosted by four counties to test elements of system design in 2022 with an independent evaluation of the pilot project effectiveness conducted by UC Davis Center for Regional Change, and beta testing in 2023 to inform the ongoing development of the technology needed to support the statewide system.
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Please contact us with questions or visit the Contact Us page on our website to connect with other programs at DPR.
Email: spraydays@cdpr.ca.gov