Pesticide Use Reporting - 2017 Summary Data

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Text files for all 2017 Annual Report tables and figures are available for download.

2017 Statewide Report

Top Five Lists

  • The top five sites by pounds in total pesticide use in each county in 2017 and the top five pesticides used on each of these sites.
  • The top five pesticides by pounds used in each county in 2017 and the top five sites of use for each of these pesticides.
  • The top five sites by acres treated in each county in 2017. This table lists the top five sites and corresponding top five pesticides ranked by cumulative acres treated.
  • The top five pesticides by acres treated in each county in 2017. This table lists the top five pesticides and corresponding top five sites ranked by cumulative acres treated.

Top 100 Lists

2017 County Summary Reports:

Indexed by Commodity Indexed by Chemical

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