Table 5

Back to PUR 2017 Summary Data

The reported pounds of pesticides used that are on the State's Proposition 65 list of chemicals that are "known to cause reproductive toxicity." Use includes both agricultural and reportable nonagricultural applications. Text files of data are available. Number of Applications and Acres values are for production agricultural pesticide use only.

CHEMICAL LBS 2008 LBS 2009 LBS 2010 LBS 2011 LBS 2012 LBS 2013 LBS 2014 LBS 2015 LBS 2016 LBS 2017
1080 0.001 0.268 0.239 0.24 0.478 0.267 0.013 0.144 0.002 0.099
2,4-DB ACID 11416 13523 4570 19 65 None None None None None
ABAMECTIN 12846 16624 19345 27286 32977 40417 38651 40067 45249 53702
AMITRAZ None 7 None None None 1486 45 101 28 14
ARSENIC PENTOXIDE 7433 400 16144 8034 9240 8480 16719 22190 10508 5105
ARSENIC TRIOXIDE 0.01 0.001 0.001 0 0.001 None 0.001 0 0.001 None
ATRAZINE 28491 23260 28937 22654 32173 23763 20896 17912 21282 19941
BENOMYL 100 56 31 28 32 3 10 2 0.766 0.141
BROMACIL, LITHIUM SALT 1851 896 1835 1486 1422 1145 2472 2891 2504 3751
BROMOXYNIL OCTANOATE 65375 50300 43643 47802 56495 49699 44247 52458 45187 49937
CARBARYL 126678 135264 113066 74772 113864 117252 131744 155525 221095 107433
CARBON DISULFIDE 393 0.068 None 1 18 None 1 0.017 0.055 0.032
CHLORDECONE None None None 0.002 0 0 0.003 0.003 0.003 0.002
CHLORPYRIFOS 1368568 1246560 1288100 1299315 1103961 1469298 1312361 1107417 903067 945639
CYANAZINE None None None 0.544 0.063 None 1 3 0.032 None
CYCLOATE 21242 25284 27292 31037 33562 30619 36566 39655 45150 49844
CYCLOHEXIMIDE None None None 0.001 None None None None None None
DICHLOROPHEN None None None None None 0.131 None None None None
DICLOFOP-METHYL None 15 None 7 None None None None None None
DINOCAP 2 2 None 0.073 None None None None None 3
DINOSEB 166 816 26 75 60 22 374 7 581 32
DIOCTYL PHTHALATE 340 186 453 248 262 198 73 36 94 None
DISODIUM CYANODITHIOIMIDO CARBONATE None None None None 80 0.078 None 101 280 None
ENDRIN None None 0.48 None None None None None None None
EPTC 129470 128993 118509 125570 168665 187349 235271 237983 255431 259643
ETHYLENE DIBROMIDE 127 0.005 None None 6 None None 0.001 None None
ETHYLENE GLYCOL MONOMETHYL ETHER 1986 2257 5187 4332 3782 6202 5601 7601 7628 6520
ETHYLENE OXIDE 3 7 None None 8 None 0.227 None None None
FENOXAPROP-ETHYL 219 11 0.2 8 None None None None None None
FLUAZIFOP-BUTYL 3 21 11 8 6 17 43 16 23 98
HEPTACHLOR None None None None 0.013 None None None None 0.059
HYDRAMETHYLNON 825 393 609 1096 486 444 6024 399 301 230
LINURON 60247 51265 48424 54422 56617 52529 54158 50395 52249 52043
METAM-SODIUM 9497562 9028103 11153272 10857050 8411437 4846428 4297539 3606650 3297827 3144313
METHANOL None None None None None None None None 2 None
METHYL BROMIDE 5693394 5615683 4809280 4053495 4015990 3534425 2963143 2655234 2602823 1798333
METIRAM None None None 15 34 17 13 0.432 4 26
MOLINATE 19653 12516 24 0.213 3 0.317 0.004 0.109 5 None
MYCLOBUTANIL 61550 59056 65604 65333 64289 61080 65057 61036 58894 56447
NABAM 9635 8963 10518 13358 13485 22187 16535 9357 18414 18854
NICOTINE 0.153 0.07 0.078 7 0.031 None None 0.02 None None
NITRAPYRIN None 84 211 None 0.004 2 None 5 2 None
OXADIAZON 9402 8741 12382 7783 7272 6759 4960 12139 5028 6031
OXYDEMETON-METHYL 111612 68576 71290 26017 17562 10656 8407 6610 3764 1533
OXYTETRACYCLINE HYDROCHLORIDE 80 147 1356 208 81 266 15 45 7223 7837
OXYTHIOQUINOX 170 45 6 0.272 0.605 0.181 0.968 None 1 None
POTASSIUM DIMETHYL DITHIO CARBAMATE None 0.021 None None None None None None None None
PROPARGITE 386203 378099 294853 295374 252218 291001 246496 213205 206372 243228
PROPAZINE None None None None 665 4 1 None None None
RESMETHRIN 269 211 206 122 46 19 188 4 146 67
SIMAZINE 438952 419423 378363 423882 368621 300394 242895 179321 163652 126061
SODIUM DIMETHYL DITHIO CARBAMATE 9800 8963 11053 13358 13485 22187 16535 9357 18414 18854
STREPTOMYCIN SULFATE 4394 3233 4040 4647 4054 4797 5161 4737 15255 10340
SULFUR DIOXIDE 187804 127394 191393 228804 182435 247117 227965 247898 280113 257501
TAU-FLUVALINATE 1068 1179 869 834 1083 1082 1361 1220 1249 1091
THIOPHANATE-METHYL 74903 89882 115025 87055 108995 103618 112593 113233 128503 159973
TRIADIMEFON 1503 1056 2153 1922 2427 1620 1986 1623 1242 1149
TRIBUTYLTIN METHACRYLATE None None None None None 0.936 None None None None
TRICHLORO ETHYLENE None None None 0.764 None 0.048 None None None 10
TRIFORINE 69 4 42 22 2 4 0.9 0.49 0.351 0.099
VINCLOZOLIN 512 476 217 328 470 151 219 149 125 81
WARFARIN 0.336 0.43 0.849 2 2 0.786 1 0.479 0.333 0.36