Environmental Justice
The California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) is committed to the fair treatment of all people and the meaningful involvement of communities in our regulatory processes. The principles of environmental justice call for fairness regardless of race, ethnicity, immigration status, or socioeconomic status.
What is Environmental Justice?
Environmental Justice (EJ) is the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of people of all races, cultures, incomes, and national origins, with respect to the development, adoption, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
DPR’s Commitment to Environmental Justice and Equity
Advancing environmental justice includes recognizing and working to address disparities in the distribution of environmental benefits and burdens within and across communities, at an individual and community level.
DPR is committed to pursuing a deliberate, inclusive, and equity-centered approach in protecting human health and the environment. Our commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is included in our 2024-2028 Strategic Plan:
California continues to lead on important policies and initiatives to advance equity and opportunity for all. Consistent with these policies and initiatives, including Executive Order N-16-22, DPR is pursuing a deliberate, inclusive, and equity-centered approach in our strategic plan and through our ongoing work protecting human health and the environment.
As part of our DEI commitment, we seek to:
- Embed a commitment to equity and environmental justice, including principles for meaningful engagement, in our decision-making processes to produce equitable outcomes for all Californians, particularly in mitigating pesticide-related risks and environmental burdens impacting disadvantaged communities and California Native American tribes.
- Expand and enhance outreach, education, external communications, and knowledge sharing opportunities through inclusive, culturally responsive engagement.
- Improve access to information and data collected by the department and the reasoning supporting department decisions.
- Create a more inclusive workplace through thoughtful and equitable employee recruitment and retention, and continue to build on our equity and environmental justice work
DPR’s Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (In Development)
By January 1, 2026, in accordance with AB 652, DPR will establish and convene an Environmental Justice Advisory Committee (EJAC). The EJAC will provide recommendations to DPR on ways to integrate environmental justice considerations into DPR programs, policies, decision making, and activities, and advice the department on how DPR can improve its engagement with communities with the most significant exposure to pesticides. DPR will continue to provide updates on the status of the EJAC.
We Want to Hear From You
Providing opportunities for communities to stay informed and actively engage as part of our regulatory processes and other actions and activities is critical to advancing environmental justice and mitigating potential adverse health and environmental impacts. To learn more about the department’s regulatory and other actions and activities and how to engage as part of that work, use the following resources to get started.
Participate in a DPR Meeting or Event
Attending a DPR meeting, event, workshop, or regulatory hearing is one way to participate in the department’s regulatory process. View the calendar of upcoming events by clicking the link below.
Meetings and EventsLearn More About How Communities and Interested Parties Have Informed Department Initiatives
Engagement by, and feedback from, community members and community-based organizations and all interested parties have informed our work. Learn more by visiting our blog.
News and AnnouncementsEngage With Your Local County Agricultural Commissioner
DPR, along with County Agricultural Commissioners and community representatives, develop resources and materials to support local engagement. View these resources on our Resource Hub for Local Engagement.
Resource Hub for Local EngagementCivil Rights Policy and Discrimination Complaint Process
DPR’s policy is to provide fair and equal access to the benefits of a program or activity administered by DPR. DPR will not tolerate discrimination against any person(s) seeking to participate in, or receive the benefits of, any program or activity offered or conducted by DPR. Members of the public who believe they were unlawfully denied full and equal access to a DPR program or activity may file a civil rights complaint with DPR under this policy.
Language Access
Request Information in Your Language
DPR, and county agricultural commissioners can provide interpretation and translation services in any language at no cost to you for your engagement with us. Those services include:
- Language interpretation services (including sign language) for public meetings, workshops, field inspections, investigative interviews, and individual meetings with staff on the phone or in person.
- Written translation of documents such as meeting flyers, public notices, fact sheets, executive summaries, inspection reports, email, notices related to the pesticide use enforcement program, and more.
Language Access Complaint Form
If DPR has not provided you with adequate interpretation services, or has denied you an available translated document, you may submit a complaint to DPR’s Bilingual Services Coordinator.
Pesticide Safety and Reporting
How to Report Pesticide Incidents, Illnesses or Concerns
If you suspect a pesticide is being or has been used improperly, or if you have been or may have been exposed to a pesticide at work or at home, notify your local County Agricultural Commissioner’s office as soon as possible by calling toll-free 1-87PestLine [1 (877) 378-5463].
Pesticide Safety
The Pesticide Safety section of our website includes information about symptoms of pesticide exposure, steps to take in the event of potential pesticide exposure, and information to help increase awareness about pesticide use and safety.
Contact Your Local County Agricultural Commissioner in the Language You Prefer
Below are our Language Access Hub resources that CACs can use so that you can communicate with your CAC in the language you prefer.
Language Access Hub Information
Resources for Communities and Farmworkers on Pesticide Safety
Our Pesticide Safety pages have information about symptoms of pesticide exposure, steps to take in the event of potential pesticide exposure, and information to help increase awareness about pesticide use and safety.
Pesticide Quick Reference Factsheet
Sign Up for Email Updates
Keep in the loop by subscribing to one or more of our email distribution lists.
Still have a Question or Need More Information?
Please contact us with questions or visit the Contact Us page on our website to connect with other programs at DPR.
Email: EJ@cdpr.ca.gov
Phone: (916) 639-0468