Notice of Initiation of Scientific Peer Review with Partner Agencies Following Completion of the Draft Risk Characterization Document and the Draft Exposure Assessment Document for the Non-Agricultural and Residential Uses of the Active Ingredient Imidacloprid

Notice Number: 2024-06
Date: March 7, 2024

In accordance with Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) section 13121-13135 and recent amendments to FAC section 12838, the Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) completed a draft Risk Characterization Document (RCD) and a draft Exposure Assessment Document (EAD) for the non-agricultural and residential uses of the active ingredient imidacloprid. This notice affirms that the documents were submitted for scientific peer review to DPR’s partner agencies: the United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA), and the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA). DPR also notified registrants with currently registered pesticide products containing imidacloprid, commonly referenced as a nitroguanidine-substituted neonicotinoid chemical, that the draft documents were submitted for scientific peer review.
