Pesticide Registration Program Annual Processing Timelines

Notice Number: 2023-07
Date: June 6, 2023

Pursuant to the Food and Agricultural Code (FAC) section 12811, Title 3 California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) section 6170, and to fulfill the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s (DPR) mission of protecting human health and the environment, a pesticide must be registered (licensed) with the state before it can be used, possessed, or offered for sale in California. The Pesticide Registration Branch (PRB) is responsible for pesticide registration and coordinates the required data evaluation process among scientific evaluation programs within DPR’s Pesticide Programs Division (PPD) and other state agencies. PRB serves as the primary point of contact for registrants on all pesticide activities. It prepares public notices and corresponds with registrants regarding data requirements, determinations of the human health and environmental effects of pesticides, and final actions on registrations. PRB also manages all data received, coordinates the continuous evaluation of pesticide products and data call-ins, maintains pesticide product label files and scientific data submitted to support pesticide registration, and provides information on registered pesticides and label instructions to pesticide enforcement agencies and the public.
