Policy for Addressing Missing/Incomplete Data During the Scientific Evaluation Process

Notice Number: 2023-15
Date: December 8, 2023

The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) Pesticide Registration Branch (PRB) is responsible for the pesticide registration process, including coordinating the evaluation of scientific data by other DPR branches and state agencies to support product registration and amendments. Applicants who apply for registration of a new pesticide product or amendment of a currently registered pesticide are required to submit an accurate and complete application with supporting documents, data, and fee to support the registration of their product. Pursuant to Title 3 of the California Code of Regulations (3 CCR) section 6170(a), if the application, supporting documents, data, and fee are incomplete, missing, or inaccurate, DPR cannot continue the scientific evaluation process for the submission. This policy, effective January 15, 2024, describes PRB’s timeframe for applicants to respond to required supporting documents and/or data deficiencies while the submission is undergoing the scientific evaluation process.
