Tracking Pesticide Illness
What is the Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program (PISP)?
The Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) tracks all reported acute pesticide illnesses and injuries, collecting the data from physician reports, Poison Control, health officers, and others as part of our Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program (PISP).
PISP collects all data on reported acute pesticide illnesses or incidents collected by County Agricultural Commissioners, health officers, and Poison Control. We evaluate the reports and track them in a database to improve the state’s program to protect workers and others from the adverse effects of pesticide exposure.
California law requires physicians to report any known or suspected illness caused by a pesticide exposure. You can obtain a summary of pesticide illnesses or generate user-defined custom reports through the California Pesticide Illness Query (CalPIQ). Reports are also available on our Reports Directory.
How Do I Report An Incident? For Physicians or Licensed Healthcare Professionals
A pesticide incident report can be submitted by using one of the following methods.
Report to Your Local Health Officer
Report by calling your local health officer, or faxing the Pesticide Illness Report form, or Confidential Morbidity Report to your health officer.
Call California Poison Control System
Physicians and other licensed health care professionals can call a Poison Control Center to report a case. Poison Control can also provide guidance for treating and managing a possible pesticide illness or injury.
The Poison Control contact number for health care providers is 1 (800) 411-8080.
Report Electronically through CalREDIE
For more information on this reporting option, please visit the California Department of Public Health CalREDIE website or contact the CalREDIE Help Desk. If you are interested in using the Provider Portal, please contact your local health jurisdiction to sign up for an account and for more information.
Phone: (866) 866-1428
Additional Reporting Required for Workers Compensation Cases
In addition to reporting the case to the Local Health Officer within 24 hours, in cases of occupational injury or illness, healthcare providers must also file the Doctor’s First Report of Occupational Injury or Illness Form (DFROII) and send it to the patient’s employer or employer’s insurance carrier and to the Department of Industrial Relations within 5 days of the first visit, and to the Local Health Officer within 7 days of the first visit.
Resources For Health Providers on Reporting
The Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) developed resources for physicians and licensed health care professionals on California’s reporting requirements. OEHHA also offers clinician training as a health care provider resource.
What is the Medical Supervision Program?
In partnership with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA), our California Medical Supervision Program protects agricultural workers who regularly handle Type I and II organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. This program requires employers to contract with a licensed physician as a medical supervisor to monitor the blood cholinesterase levels of their workers. More information on our California Medical Supervision page.
How Do I Report an Incident Myself?
If you are experiencing a pesticide related emergency, call 9-1-1.
For non-emergencies, call your healthcare provider or the free hotline for California Poison Control Center at (800) 222-1222.
If you are reporting a pesticide incident or illness you have seen or experienced, it is important to report as soon as possible so it can be investigated. It is also important to report so that DPR can enhance protections for workers and the public.
You can report anonymously to your County Agricultural Commissioner at 1-87-PESTLINE (1-877-378-5463).
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Still have a Question or Need More Information?
Please contact us with questions or visit the Contact Us page on our website to connect with other programs at DPR.
Phone: (916) 445-4222