California Medical Supervision Program
The California Medical Supervision Program is designed to protect agricultural workers who regularly handle Type I (Danger) and Type II (Warning) organophosphate (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. It requires employers to contract with a licensed physician registered with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) as a medical supervisor to monitor the blood cholinesterase levels of their workers.
Cholinesterase is critical for the normal function of the nervous system. Overexposure to OP and CB pesticides can lead to a depression in cholinesterase activity levels, which can lead to various adverse health effects.
At DPR, we are responsible for the overall administration of this program, OEHHA is responsible for outreach and education of medical supervisors, and the California Department of Public Health is responsible for approving laboratories performing cholinesterase analysis.
Extra Medical Care for Workers
If a worker mixes, loads, or applies organophosphate or carbamate pesticides, they might need extra medical care. Employers must track how often workers are working with these pesticides.
Registered Medical Supervisors
Employers must contract only with physicians registered with the Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) for medical supervision.
Physician Requirements
Resource for physicians on California Medical Supervision requirements, including physician registration and health care provider resources.
Physician Requirements
Resource for physicians on California Medical Supervision requirements, including physician registration and health care provider resources .
Additional Information
Resources and information on the program.
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Phone: (916) 445-4222