DPR Guiding Principles and Best Practices
DPR recognizes the CalEPA Policy on Consultation with California Native American Tribes, and adopts these guiding principles and best practices to improve and maintain effective government-to-government relationships and consultation with Tribes to the extent legal and practicable:
- Acknowledge and respect Tribal sovereignty.
- Understand that federally-recognized Tribes have a unique trust relationship with the federal government.
- Recognize that all Tribes represent distinct and independent governmental entities with specific beliefs, traditions and unique connections to areas of California that are their ancestral homelands.
- Communicate and consult with Tribes during the initial phase of decision making processes that may affect Tribal lands, people, or cultural resources.
- Recognize and respect the cultural resources of Tribes, whether or not the cultural resources are located on Tribal lands.
- Acknowledge the need for confidentiality regarding places, land, people and cultural resources with traditional Tribal cultural significance.
- Consider the potential impact of the Agency’s activities or programs on Tribal lands and cultural resources.
- Encourage collaborative efforts between Tribes and federal, state, and local government entities to resolve issues of mutual concern.
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