Language Access
En Español Ua Lus Hmoob ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਵਿੱਚ
It is the policy of the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) to provide service in the language of our customers.
If you feel that we have not provided you with adequate interpretation services or have denied you an available translated document, you may submit a complaint to DPR’s Bilingual Services Coordinator. Please refer to the Language Access Assistance Resolution Form, available in Spanish, PDF and English, PDF.
Language Access Complaint Process
Step 1. File a complaint
Complete the Language Access Assistance Resolution Form, PDF, or prepare a written complaint that includes the following:
- Name, address and phone number of the person filing the complaint;
- If you are completing the form on behalf of someone else; please provide name, address and phone number of the person alleging denial of language access services;
- List language, services and documents needed;
- List name(s), Branch(s) and phone numbers of people involved, if known; and
- If a complaint was filed with a DPR employee, provide name and phone number of the employee, the date filed, and the response received.
Submit written complaint to:
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
Human Resources Branch
Attention: Bilingual Coordinator
1001 I Street, 4th Floor, MS-4B
Sacramento, CA 95814
Email complaints to:
Step 2. Acknowledgement
DPR will send an acknowledgement within 10 business days of receipt of the complaint.
Step 3. Informal resolution
Within 45 calendar days of receipt, DPR will complete the investigation necessary to determine the validity of the alleged violation. If appropriate, DPR will contact the complainant to discuss the matter and attempt to reach an informal resolution of the complaint. Any informal resolution of the complaint shall be documented and the case will be closed.
Step 4. Written determination
If an informal resolution of the complaint is not reached in Step 3, within 60 calendar days of receipt of the complaint, a written determination as to the validity of the complaint, and description of the resolution, if appropriate, shall be forwarded to the Director or his/her designee for approval.
Step 5. Final determination and resolution
DPR shall communicate the determination and resolution to the complainant within 75 calendar days of receipt of the complaint, unless the Director authorizes additional time for further consideration of the complaint. Any authorized extension of time will be communicated to the complainant. Any request for reconsideration of DPR’s response to the complainant shall be at the discretion of the Director.