A - Z Index

Note: If you are looking for information about licensing, you may want to try our A-Z Licensing index that lists only pages related to DPR's licensing program.

Headings that have a "(PDF)" note are Adobe Acrobat files. Most browsers can open these files. A few are large files and download times may vary with the speed of your connection.

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AB1011 frequently asked questions
AB780 report, Funding California's Pesticide Regulatory Program
Active ingredient list
Administrative enforcement actions
Advisory committees
Aerial applicators, licensing
Agricultural civil penalties
Agricultural Commissioners
Agricultural pest control adviser (PCA) license
Agricultural Pest Control Advisory Committee (APCAC)
Air program
Aircraft pilot pest control certificate
Antifouling paints
Antimicrobials, handout on workplace safety (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Applications Applicators, certification and training
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Branch telephone numbers
Broker licensing
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Calendar of public meetings
California Code of Regulations (CCR), Title 3, Division 6 (Pesticides and Pest Control Operations
California Pesticide Information Portal (CalPIP)
Cannabis and Pesticides
Central Regional Office, Enforcement Regional Offices Branch, PDF
Certification and training
Change of address form for licensees, PDF
Chemical company address information
Chemical ingredients database
Chemigation Initiative
Child day care facilities (Healthy Schools Act)
Child safety (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Chloropicrin Citeable Sections (of Food and Agricultural Code), PDF
Civil penalty (county) and other administrative actions
Closed systems, use of
Community Pesticide Monitoring
Compendium, Pesticide Use Enforcement Program Standards
Complaints, how to report pesticide problems
Compliance Consumer fact sheets
Container recycling, PDF
Continuing education
Copper Antifouling Paint
Cost-sharing, registration data
County County Agricultural Commissioners Customer Service Survey Form
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Data Databases DDT Residues, Agricultural Sources of (1985)
Dealers, licensing pesticide
Designated agent, license
Directions to DPR headquarters
Disposal, pesticide (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Dormant spray water quality initiative
DPR Fund, see Mill assessment
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e-Mailing lists
Emergency exemptions (Section 18) Emergency regulations
Employee pesticide safety handouts
Employment (at DPR)
Enclosed cabs, use of
Endangered Species Program
Enforcement actions
Enforcement Branches, (Headquarters and Regional Offices)
Enforcement orders
Enforcement statistical profile (county work plans, effectiveness evaluations, and statistics)
Enforcement Program Standards Compendium
Environmental fate reviews
Environmental Justice
Environmental Monitoring Branch
Environmental monitoring protocols
Examinations, licensing schedule, PDF
Exempted pesticide products
Experimental uses, see Research authorizations
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Fact sheets, consumer
Farmworker Protection
Fax numbers, branch and division
Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) 
Fees Foggers, using safely (consumer handout)
Food and Agricultural Code
Food safety
Forms available online
Fumigant Function-based accounting
Funding, DPR

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Glassy-winged sharpshooter project
Groundwater Protection Areas (GWPAs), County maps, lists shapefiles
Groundwater Protection Program
Guide to Pesticide Regulation in California (2011)
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Health information
Health risk assessment
Honey Bees
Human Health Risk Assessment and Mitigation

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Illegal pesticide use, how to report (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Illness Industrial Hygiene Program (WH&S Branch)
Investigation Procedures (Enforcement Program Standards Compendium)
IPM Achievement Awards (Innovators)
IPM, school
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There are no K listings at this time.

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Label Lawn care tips, PDF (consumer handout)
Laws and Regulations Study Guide
Legislation, annual summaries of pesticide-related
Legislature, reports to
Letters to County Agricultural Commissioners clarifying policies and procedures
Library Licensing Listservers
Lompoc Air Monitoring Project
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Mailing lists
Maintenance gardener pest control business license
Malathion: Health Risk Assessment of Malathion Bait (1991 Department of Health Services report)
Management Agency Agreement with the State Water Resources Control Board (1997)
Mandated reports
Map to DPR headquarters
Materials Entering Evaluation Process (weekly report)
Medical evaluation questionnaire for respiratory protection
Medical supervision program
Meeting calendar, public meetings
Methyl iodide
Mill assessment
Minimal exposure pesticides, PDF
Mosquito control information

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News releases
Nonattainment area (NAA) maps, PDF
Nonfumigant strawberry production working group Northern Regional Office, Enforcement Regional Offices Branch, PDF
Notices Number of registered pesticide products
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Ombudsman directory (CalEPA)
Operational planning
Organic agriculture (CDFA Organic Program)

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Penalties, civil
Performance measures
Permitting Pest control Pest control, preventing pest problems (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Pest Management Pesticide Pet grooming business, using pesticides in, PDF
Phone Physicians, information for
PISP (Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program)
Pollinator Protection
Postings of proposed and final registration decisions
Pounds of pesticide sold, report
Preemption: federal, state and local jurisdiction over pesticide use, PDF
PRESCRIBE online database for endangered species
Press releases
Product Compliance Unit
Product/label database
Progress Report
Proposed regulations
Proposition 65 Protocols, Environmental Monitoring Branch
Public Notices
Public Records Act, general information
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Qualified applicator certificate (QAC)
Qualified applicator license (QAL)
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Recycling, pesticide container, PDF
Red imported fire ant project
Regional Offices (Enforcement Regional Offices Branch), PDF
Registered product, search
Registering a pesticide
Registration Regulating Pesticides: The California Story, A Guide to Pesticide Regulation in California (2011)
Regulations Repellents, using insect repellents safely (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Research authorization Research grants
Residue monitoring program
Respiratory protection compliance assistance
Restricted materials Revenue and expenditures, annual report
Rice pesticide program reports
Risk assessment Rulemaking
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Safety Series employee safety handouts
Sales of pesticides
SB 391 handout (Reimbursing Medical Costs of Persons Injured in Pesticide Incidents) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
School IPM
School, List of pesticides prohibited from use, PDF
Section 18 Section 24c (special local need) Section 25b, about exempted pesticide products
Settlements (product compliance)
Sickness, what to do if you think pesticide exposure made you ill
SLN, see Section 24c
Small business liaisons Southern Regional Office, Enforcement Regional Offices Branch, PDF
Special local need, see Section 24c
Spanish Language Storage of pesticides (consumer handout) (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Strawberry research
Strategic Plan
Structural Studies (pesticide data index)
Study Guide, Laws and Regulations
Sulfur dioxide use in wineries (English PDF) (Español PDF)
Surface Water
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Telephone directory Terminology, English-Spanish list of pesticide terms, PDF
Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC) Program
Tribal Affairs/Tribal Liaison
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U.S. EPA/OPP pesticide databases
Use, pesticide
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Violations, licensee administrative and civil penalties
VOC nonfumigant regulations VOC fumigant regulations
Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emissions from Pesticides Project
Voluntary cancellation form (registration), PDF
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Well Water West Nile virus information
Worker Health & Safety Branch programs and services
Worker Health & Safety Branch reports, search
Worker Protection Program
Worker Protection Standard, U.S. EPA