Operational Planning
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Operational planning guides the Department in setting priorities and accomplishing what needs to be done to fulfill our mission. It assists DPR management in implementing, monitoring, and budgeting program activities within and across reporting units. (A reporting unit is a branch within a division or an office within the Executive Office.) In this way, operational planning ensures that program activities are best positioned to achieve strategic results.
We use operational planning to identify the responsibilities and resources needed to accomplish Department priorities this fiscal year, and as a measure of our accomplishments. Since our responsibilities and resources are not static, we must periodically update our plans to address changing program needs. Branch Chiefs and Assistant Directors meet at least twice a year with the Director and Chief Deputy Director to discuss progress on performance goals, and possible adjustments of priorities and workload.
- Regulatory Improvement Initiative: "Strawman" Proposals to Improve California's Pesticide Regulatory Program (1995)
- Environmental Protection Indicators for California (EPIC), tracking environmental conditions over time, a project of CalEPA, the Resources Agency, and the Department of Health Services.
For content questions, contact:
Alexis Carriker
Human Resources Branch, MS 4-B
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-1523
E-mail: Alexis.Carriker@cdpr.ca.gov