Pesticide Registration and Evaluation Committee (PREC)
Meeting Minutes

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Presentations are available to the public upon request. If you would like to request any documents, please submit a request at our Public Records Portal (NextRequest).

The following documents are available to the public upon request. If you would like to request any documents, please submit a request at our Public Records Portal (NextRequest).



  • November 15, 2019, PDF
  • July 19, 2019, PDF
  • May 17, 2019, PDF
  • March 15, 2019, PDF
  • January 18, 2019, PDF


  • November 16, 2018, PDF
  • September 21, 2018, PDF
  • July 20, 2018, PDF
  • March 16, 2018, PDF
  • February 16, 2018, PDF


  • September 15, 2017
    • California's Toxic Air Contaminant Program for Pesticides, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Draft Evaluation of Chlorpyrifos as a Toxic Air Contaminant, Shelley Duteaux, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Directive for Interim Mitigation Measures to Address Health Risks from Chlorpyrifos, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • August 18, 2017
    • Ambient Air Monitoring Results: 2010-2016, Edgar Vidrio, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Current Air Monitoring Network Update, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Surface Water Mitigation Measures for Fipronil in Urban Runoff, Nan Singhasemanon and Carlos Gutierrez, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 21, 2017
    • Proposition 65 Chemical Listings and Safe Harbor Level Development: Glyphosate, Martha Sandy and Carol Monahan Cummings, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
    • Metolachlor/S-Metolachlor Update, Sheryl Gill, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Neonicotinoid Update, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 17, 2017
    • Pesticide Contamination and Prevention Act, Detections of Metolachlor and S-Metolachlor Degradates, Sheryl Gill, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Update, Patti TenBrook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • Use of Nationwide Ground Water Monitoring Data to Revise Leacher/Non-Leacher List, John Troiano, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 20, 2017
    • Strategy to Optimize Resource Management of Storm Water (STORMS), Noelle Patterson, State Water Resources Control Board
    • Copper Antifouling Paints, Carlos Gutierrez and Nan Singhasemanon, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 18, 2016
    • Risk Mitigation for 1,3-Dichloropropene, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • 2015 Air Monitoring Network Results, Edgar Vidrio, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • August 19, 2016
    • Risk Assessment on Fipronil; DPR's New Process, John Sanders, Department of Pesticide Regulation
      • Memorandum - Problem Formulation Summary for the Fipronil Risk Assessment
      • Problem Formulation/Scoping Summary Document Draft
  • July 15, 2016
    • National Academy of Sciences' Review of California's Risk Assessment Process, Marylou Verder-Carlos, Department of Pesticide Regulation
      • Evaluation and Implementation of Comments/Recommendations from the National Academy of Sciences Report Entitled "Review of California's Risk Assessment Process for Pesticides"
    • Healthy Schools Act Changes, Ashley Freeman, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • 2014 Pesticide Use Report, Eric Denemark, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 20, 2016
    • Air Monitoring Network Changes, Randy Segawa and Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 18, 2016
    • Air Monitoring Network Changes, Randy Segawa and Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Community Perspective, Anne Katten, Californians for Pesticide Reform Steering Committee
  • January 15, 2016
    • Cholinesterase Test Results Reporting and the Medical Supervision Program (AB 1963), Lucy Graham and Yvette Nonato, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Volatile Organic Compound Emissions, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Registration Requirements for Products Made from Pesticide Impregnated Materials and Bearing Pesticide Claims, Jill Townzen, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 20, 2015
    • Introduction to the Yamaha RMAX Remotely Piloted Helicopter and Review of U.S. Activities, Steve Markofski, Yamaha Unmanned Systems Division
    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Regulatory Issues, Ken Everett, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Updates to the Worker Protection Standards and Impacts on California, Leslie Crowl, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Recent Changes to the Pesticide Contamination Prevention Act: Pesticide Degradates in Ground Water, Sheryl Gill, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 17, 2015
    • Research Authorization Regulations, Ann Hanger, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Revisions to Pesticide Safety Information Series Leaflets, Kevin Solari, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • 2014 Air Monitoring Network Results, Atac Tuli, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Community Fumigant Monitoring for the Toxic Air Contaminant Program, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 15, 2015
    • Product Compliance Overview,Stephanie Duncan, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Neonicotinoid Reevaluation, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Registration Process, Richard Spas, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 20, 2015
    • CalEnviroScreen: A Tool For Evaluating California Communities, Laura August, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
    • 2015 Rulemaking Calendar, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program (2012 Report), Amberlyn Ferleman and Michel Oriel, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 16, 2015
    • Chloropicrin Mitigation Measures, En Español, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • September 19, 2014
    • Volatile Organic Compounds Update, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • FIFRA 24(c) Special Local Needs, John Inouye, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • FIFRA 18 Emergency Exemptions, Margaret Reiff, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • August 15, 2014
    • Chlorpyrifos Update, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Closed Mixing Systems Proposal,Ken Everett, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Partnering to Better Solutions in Protecting Endangered Species, Rich Marovich, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Revision to Pesticide Product Evaluation for Impacts to Surface Waters, Improved Urban Evaluation, Yuzhou Luo, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 18, 2014
    • Sulfuryl Fluoride (Structural) Mitigation Efforts, Kevin Solari, Linda O'Connell, and Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide Update, Ann Hanger, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Reevaluation Conclusion of Certain Pyrethroid Pesticide Products, Carlos Gutierrez, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 16, 2014
    • Co-Occurrence Pesticide/Species Tool, Rich Breuer, State Water Resources Control Board
    • Product Compliance Branch Update, Donna Marciano, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Registration Data Management System Project, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 21, 2014
    • Asian Citrus Psyllid Eradication Program Update,Victoria Hornbaker, California Department of Food and Agriculture
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network Update, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • 1,3-Dichloropropene Update, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 17, 2014
    • Volatile Organic Compound Update, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Risk Assessment Prioritization Update,Jay Schreider, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pollinator Protection Labeling Initiative Update, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 15, 2013
    • Proposed Closed Mixing Systems, Ken Everett, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • 2012 Pesticide Residue Monitoring Report, ) Mike Papathakis, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pest Management Alliance and Research Grants, Ann Schaffner, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • September 20, 2013
    • Risk Assessment Prioritization Update, Jay Schreider, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Air Monitoring Network Discussion, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • August 16, 2013
    • Air Monitoring Network Results for 2012, Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network: Monitoring Plan Changes for 2014, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 19, 2013
    • Overview of Phase II Soil Fumigant Label Changes, Regina Sarracino, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Conclusion of Sulfuryl Fluoride Reevaluation, Carlos Gutierrez, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • California Aeration Plan, Jim Shattuck, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • School IPM Program Update, Natalya Eagan, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 15, 2013
    • Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticide Update, Marylou Verder-Carlos, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Environmental Justice Screening Tool Pilot Project, Deldi Reyes, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region 9
    • Update on Chloropicrin Mitigation, Linda O'Connell, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 18, 2013
    • California Communities Environmental Health Screening Tool, Allan Hirsch, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
    • Ground Water Protection Program, Murray Clayton, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 16, 2012
    • Social Media, Paul Verke, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • A Guide for Pesticide Registrants, Stakeholder's Guidance Manual, Richard Spas, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Pesticides: Proposed Nonfumigant Regulations, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Public Outreach on Pesticide Safety, Martha Elena Sánchez, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 20, 2012
    • Surface Water Regulations for Nonagricultural Pesticides, Mark Pepple, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Reevaluation of Neonicotinoids, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Air Monitoring Network Results for 2011, Edgar Vidrio, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 18, 2012
    • Volatile Organic Compound Nonfumigant Regulations, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Proposed Approval of the Pesticide Volatile Organic Compound SIP, Frances Wicher, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • Spatial and Temporal Quantification of Pesticide Loadings to the Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, and Bay-Delta to Guide Risk Assessment for Sensitive Species, Gerco Hoogeweg, Debra Denton, Marty Williams, Rich Breuer, Waterborne Environmental, Inc.
    • Pesticide Registration and Evaluation Committee, Brian R. Leahy, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 16, 2012
    • Methyl Bromide Off-Gassing from Chilean Fruit Treatment during Transport and Cold Storage: Investigation, Mitigation and Regulatory Plan, George Farnsworth, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Management of California's Organics Waste and Pesticides, Brian Larimore, California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery
    • Current State of Anticoagulant Rodenticides in California, Stella McMillin, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    • Air Monitoring Network Update, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 18, 2011
    • New CalAg Permits System, John Gless, California Agricultural Commissioners and Sealers Association
    • Proposed Surface Water Protection Regulations, Mark Pepple, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Non-Fumigant Volatile Organic Compound Mitigation Proposals Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • September 16, 2011
    • Methodology for Evaluation of Pesticides for Surface Water Protection, Sheryl Gill and Yuzhou Luo, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Non-Fumigant Volatile Organic Compound Mitigation Proposals, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Risk Assessment Status Update, Jay Schreider, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 20, 2011
    • California 2009 Urban Pesticide Use Pattern Study, Pat Willenbrock, Pyrethroid Working Group
    • Status of Copper Antifoulant Reevaluation, Richard Spas, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 18, 2011
    • Status of Harmonization Efforts Between U.S. EPA's Office of Water and the Office of Pesticide Products, Patti TenBrook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
    • Status of Neonicotinoid Reevaluation, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 21, 2011
    • Kettleman City Investigation of Birth Defects and Community Exposures-Findings, David Siegel, Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment and Sumi Hoshiko, California Department of Public Health
    • Hexazinone Found in Ground Water and DPR Response, Lisa Ross, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Changes to Soil Fumigant Labels, Brandi Martin, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Copper Antifoulant Reevaluation, Richard Spas and Nan Singhasemanon, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 9, 2010
    • Nanomaterials and AB 289, Stan Phillippe, Department of Toxic Substances Control
    • Volatile Organic Compound Emissions and Consumer Products, David Mallory, Air Resources Board
    • Air Monitoring Network, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • September 16, 2010
    • Update on U.S. EPA Science Advisory Panel Meeting on Field Volatility, Martha Harnly, California Department of Public Health
    • Update on Neonicotinoid Reevaluation, Denise Alder, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 15, 2010
    • Invasive Species Program, David Pegos, California Department of Food and Agriculture
    • Update on the San Francisco Bay Area Pesticide Injunction and Order for Protection of Endangered Species, Polo Moreno, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on U.S. EPA Activities: Inerts, Spray Drift Labeling, Office of Water Harmonization, and Revised Risk Assessment Procedures, Patti TenBrook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • May 20, 2010
    • Proposed Mitigation Measures for MITC Generating Pesticides, Linda O‘Connell, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Final Pesticide Air Monitoring Network Plan, Rosemary Neal, Randy Segawa, and Pam Wofford, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 18, 2010
    • Emergency Exemptions from Registration, Andrew Yokoyama, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 14, 2010
    • Potential Impacts of Pesticide Use Injunctions on Pesticide Use and the Protection of Endangered Species, Polo Moreno, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on U.S. EPA Activities: Field Volatility, Inerts and Spray Drift, Patti TenBrook, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency


  • November 19, 2009
    • Pesticides in Dust from Homes in an Agricultural Area, Martha Harnly, California Department of Public Health
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • August 20, 2009
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • July 16, 2009
    • Pesticide Air Monitoring Network, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Chloropicrin Workshop, Sheryl Beauvais, Terrell Barry, and Carolyn Lewis, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Impact of U.S. EPA 's Decision on Field-Use Rodenticides, Victoria Hornbaker, California Department of Food and Agriculture and Terrell Salmon, University of California
  • May 15, 2009
    • AB 1011 Workload Report, David Supkoff, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • April 17, 2009
  • March 5, 2009
    • Mendota Air Monitoring Project, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Reevaluation Status, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 16, 2009
    • Pyrethroid Residues in Urban Runoff, Donald Westin, University of California
    • Status of Chlorpyrifos and Diazinon Reevaluations, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 21, 2008
    • Revised Healthy Schools Act and New Child IPM Program, Sewell Simmons, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • State Water Board's Sediment Quality Objective Methodology, Chris Beegan, State Water Resources Control Board
    • Asian Citrus Psyllid, Duane Schnabel, California Department of Food and Agriculture
    • Goose Investigation in Monterey County, Stella McMillin, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
  • September 19, 2008
    • Pesticide Illness Surveillance Program, George Farnsworth, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Recycling Program and Recertification (SB 1723), Clifford Peterson, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Bay Delta Strategic Workplan, Diane Riddle, State Water Resources Control Board
  • July 18, 2008
    • 2006 Emission Inventory and Ventura Volatile Organic Compound Allowances, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on U.S. EPA Rodenticide Risk Mitigation Decision, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Initiation of Sulfuryl Fluoride Reevaluation, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 16, 2008
    • Continuous Evaluation Processes, Tobi Jones, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Brodifacoum Reevaluation, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Anticoagulant Exposure in San Joaquin Kit Foxes, Stella McMillin, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    • Update on Groundwater Protection Program, John Troiano, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • March 21, 2008
    • Alternatives to Soil Fumigation, Mark Robertson, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Pesticide Illness and Surveillance Program, Trends and Observations, Louise Mehler, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • January 18, 2008
    • Evaluation of Antifouling Paint Pollution in California, Nan Singhasemanon, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on 2007 Lake Davis Treatment, Stella Borucki, California Department of Fish and Wildlife
    • Status Report on Volatile Organic Compound Regulations, Randy Segawa, Department of Pesticide Regulation
    • Update on Reevaluation, Denise Webster, Department of Pesticide Regulation


  • November 16, 2007
  • September 21, 2007
  • July 20, 2007
    • Investigation of Antifouling Paint Pollution, Nan Singhasemanon, Department of Pesticide Regulation
  • May 18, 2007
  • March 16, 2007
    • Basics on Sanitary Treatment Works and Their Pesticide Concerns, Charles Weir, Tri-Technical Advisory Committee
    • Policy Considerations and Methodologies for Establishing Water Quality Criteria for Pesticides, Joe Karkowski, Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
  • January 19, 2007


  • November 17, 2006
  • September 15, 2006
  • July 21, 2006
  • May 19, 2006
  • March 17, 2006
  • January 20, 2006


  • November 18, 2005
  • September 16, 2005
  • August 19, 2005
  • May 20, 2005
  • March 18, 2005
  • January 21, 2005


  • November 19, 2004
  • September 17, 2004
  • July 16, 2004
  • May 21, 2004
  • March 19, 2004
  • January 16, 2004


  • November 21, 2003
  • September 19, 2003
  • May 16, 2003
  • March 21, 2003
  • January 17, 2003


  • November 15, 2002
  • September 20, 2002
  • July 19, 2002
  • May 17, 2002

For content questions, contact:
Melissa Swanson
Phone: (916) 324-3522