Surface Water Protection Program
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These are posters on surface water issues
- Occurrence and Distribution of Pesticides in Surface Waters of California. Xuyang Zhang et al., SETAC NorCal Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Sacramento. November 2018. Poster 51, PDF (953 kb)
- Identification of the Most Influential Watershed Characteristics for Bifenthrin Contamination in Stream Sediments in California. Dan Wang et al., SETAC NorCal Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Sacramento. November 2018. Poster 50, PDF (865 kb)
- Occurrence of Pyrethroids in Agriculturally Impacted Surface Waters of California. S. Wagner et al., SETAC NorCal Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Sacramento. November 2018. Poster 49, PDF (764 kb)
- Evaluating Surface Water Impacts from California Cannabis Cultivation. A. Narzynski et al., SETAC NorCal Annual Meeting Poster Presentation, Sacramento. November 2018. Poster 48, PDF (4 mb)
- Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to Access Pesticide Runoff from the Salinas River Watershed, California Y. Xie, et al. Poster 47, PDF (2.6 mb)
- Imidacloprid Use and Contamination in Surface Waters in the Salinas, Santa Maria, and Imperial Valleys, California X. Deng, et al. Poster 46, PDF (377 kb)
- An Evaluation of the Department of Pesticide Regulation's Surface Water Regulations for Pyrethroids: Are They Working? 2017. R. Budd, D. Wang, M. Ensminger, and K. S. Goh. Presented at CASQA Conference, Sacramento. Poster 45, PDF .
- Pesticide Mass Loading from a Constructed Water Quality Treatment Pond in Folsom, CA. 2017. M. P. Ensminger, L. R. Oki, S. Teh, J. Sisneroz, B. J. L. Pitton, M. Stillway, and K. S. Goh. Presented at CASQA Conference, Sacramento. Poster 44, PDF (991 kb).
- Identifying Current Use Pesticides Through Retail Surveys. 2017. Karri Peters, Korena Goodell, and Robert Budd. Poster 43, PDF (505 kb).
- Surface Water Monitoring for Fipronil and California Mitigation Efforts. 2017. Aniela Burant et al. Presented at SWAMP symposium, Sacramento. Poster 42, PDF (1.7 mb).
- Continuous Low-Level Aquatic Monitoring and Alternative Time-Integrated Sampling Method. 2017. Goodell, Ensminger, Singhasemanon and Goh. Poster 41, PDF(292 kb).
- Surface Water Monitoring Results for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of Central Coast and Southern California, 2011-2015. Xin Deng, Dan Wang, Ke vin Kelley, Kean S. Goh. Poster 40, PDF (326 kb).
- Aquatic Risk Evaluation of New Pesticide Products - a Preventative Approach for Protecting California Surface Water. 2017. N Singhasemanon et al. Poster 39, PDF (1.2 mb)
- Development of a California-Based Receiving Waterbody Model for Pesticide Registration Evaluation. Y. Xie et al. 2017. Poster 38, PDF (904 kb)
- Flow-weighted Sampling to Measure Efficacy of a Constructed Water Quality Treatment Pond in Folsom, California. MP Ensminger et al. P 2017. Poster 37, PDF (1.6 mb)
- Mitigation of Pesticide Runoff Using Woodchip Bioreactors. SD Wagner et al. 2017. Poster 36, PDF (1.7 mb)
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination in California. KS Goh et al. 2017. Poster 35, PDF (1.7 mb)
- An Evaluation of the Department of Pesticide Regulation's Surface Water Regulations for Pyrethroids: Are They Working? R Budd. D Wang, M Ensminger, K.S.Goh. 2017. Poster 34 PDF (2.5 mb)
- Survey of Pesticide Use by Homeowners in Two California residential Neighborhoods. K. Goodell and R. Budd. 2016. Poster 33, PDF
- The Washoff Potential of Fipronil from Dogs Treated with Fipronil Pet-Care Products. Leah Judson, Robert Budd, and Jennifer Teerlink. 2016. Poster 32, PDF (1.2 mb)
- Methodology for Screening Pesticide Products with High Exposure Potentials to Marine/Estuarine Organisms. Yina Xie, Yuzhou Luo, Nan Singhasemanon, and Kean S. Goh. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting, Sacramento. April 30, 2015. Poster 31, PDF (599 kb)
- Retail Store Survey of Consumer Indoor Pesticide Products. Rachelanne Vander Werf, Adriana Aldana, Jennifer Teerlink and Robert Budd. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting, Sacramento. April 30, 2015. Poster 30, PDF (156 kb)
- Trend Analysis on Chlorpyrifos Concentration in Surface Water of Central Valley, California. Dan Wang, Nan Singhasemanon, Kean S. Goh. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting, Sacramento. April 30, 2015. Presentation 29, PDF (259 kb)
- Characterizing Indoor Pesticide Use Patterns and Mass Loading in a Wastewater Catchment. Jennifer Teerlink, Robert Budd, April DaSilva, Yuzhou Luo, Dan Wang, and Yina Xie. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting, Sacramento. April 30, 2015. Poster 28, PDF (529 kb)
- Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of California, 2013. Xin Deng, Kevin Kelley, Keith Starner, Kenneth D. King, Yina Xie, Kean S. Goh. IUPAC & ACS Conference. Aug. 13, 2014. Poster 27, PDF (1 mb)
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination in California. K. S. Goh, N. Singhasemanon, Y. Luo, M. Ensminger, R. Budd, X. Zhang, X. Deng, S. Peoples, K. Kelley, K. Newhart, A. DaSilva, Y. Xie, J. Teerlink, A. Aldana, K. D. King, K. Moss, D. Duncan. IUPAC & ACS Conference. Aug. 13, 2014. Poster 26, PDF (2.5 mb)
- Monitoring Efforts of an Emergent Insecticide Fipronil in California Surface Waters. R. Budd, M. Ensminger, and K. Goh. 13th IUPAC International Congress, San Francisco. Aug. 13, 2014. Poster 25, PDF (2.3 mb)
- Evaluation of Three Models for Simulating Pesticide Runoff from Agricultural Felds in Semi-arid Regions. Xuyang Zhang. Presented at 13th IUPAC International Congress, San Francisco. Aug. 13, 2014. Poster 24, PDF (1.3 mb)
- Temporal Changes in Pyrethroid Urban Runoff from California Surface Waters. M. P. Ensminger*, R Budd, and K. S. Goh. Presented at 13th IUPAC International Congress, San Francisco. Aug. 13, 2014. Poster 23, PDF (633 kb)
- Chlorpyrifos Runoff from a Flood-Irrigated Alfalfa Field. Ashley Pennell, Xuyang Zhang*, Xin Deng. Presented at NorCal SETAC Meeting. May 9, 2013. Poster 22, PDF (2.7 mb)
- Land Cover Classification of Northern and Southern California Suburbs using ArcGIS. J. Nishimura*, R. Budd, M. Ensminger, K. Goh. Presented at NorCal SETAC Meeting. May 9, 2013. Poster 21, PDF (2.6 mb)
- Using Water Quality Ponds to Mitigate Pesticides in Urban Runoff. R. Budd, M. Ensminger, E. Kanawi, and K. Goh. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting, Sacramento. May 9, 2013. Poster 20, PDF (1.3 mb)
- A Tale of Two Wetlands: Using Constructed Wetlands to Mitigate Pesticides in Urban Runoff. R. Budd, M. Ensminger, E. Kanawi, and K. Goh. 2012. Presented at SETAC North America Meeting. Nov. 11, 2012. Poster 19, PDF (925 kb)
- Derivation of Aquatic Life Benchmarks and Quality Assurance. Xin Deng, Kean Goh, Department of Pesticide Regulation; Nathan Miller and Thomas Steeger. Office of Pesticide Programs, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Presented at SETAC North America meeting. Nov. 11, 2012. Poster 18, PDF (435 kb)
- Methodology for Evaluating Pesticides for Surface Water Protection. Yuzhou Luo, Xin Deng, Frank Spurlock, Sheryl Gill, Kean S. Goh. Presented at SETAC Meeting, Long Beach, CA. Nov 11, 2012. Poster 17, PDF (730 kb)
- Automated Sampling of Storm Runoff From Residential Areas. J. Sisneroz, Q. Xiao, L.R. Oki, B.J. Pitton, D.L. Haver, T. J. Majcherek, R.L. Mazalewski, and M. Ensminger. Presented at NorCal SETAC meeting UC Berkeley. May 4, 2012. Poster 16, PDF (1 mb)
- Imidacloprid Detections in Agricultural and Urban Run-off in California.. E. Kanawi, R. Budd, M. Ensminger, K. Starner, S. Gill and K. Goh. Presented at NorCal SETAC Meeting, UC Berkeley. May 4, 2012. Poster 15, PDF (539 kb)
- The Role of Rainfall on Pesticide Runoff in Urban Neighborhoods in Northern California. Ensminger, M.P., Kelley, K.C.,Diaz, M.Y., and Gill, S. Presented at the NorCal SETAC meeting at Sacramento. May 4, 2011. Poster 14, PDF (143 kb)
- Role of a Constructed Wetland in the Mitigation of Pesticide Load of an Urban Creek in Aliso Viejo, California. Diaz, M., Ensminger, M., Kelley, K., and Budd, R. Presented at NorCal SETAC 20th Annual Meeting. UC Berkeley. May 13, 2010. Poster 13, PDF (203 kb)
- Surface Water Monitoring for Dormant Season Use Herbicides in Northern California.. Lisker, E., Ensminger, M., and Goh, K. Presented at NorCal SETAC 20th Annual Meeting. UC Berkeley. May 13, 2010. Poster 12, PDF (149 kb)
- Surface Water Monitoring for Dormant Season Use Herbicides in Northern California. Mullane, J., Ensminger, M., and Kusler, J. Poster presented at The Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Nor-Cal SETAC) 19th Annual Meeting. May 2009. Davis, CA. Poster 11, PDF (155 kb)
- Monitoring Pesticides in Surface Water in Urban Areas During Baseflow and Storm Events in California. Cowley, J., He, L., Ensminger, M., and Kelley, K. Poster presented at The Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Nor-Cal SETAC) 19th Annual Meeting. May 2009. Davis, CA. Poster 10, PDF (116 kb)
- Pesticide Concentrations in Water and Sediment and Associated Invertebrate Toxicity in Del Puerto and Orestimba Creeks. Kusler, J., Ensminger, M., Bergin, R., and Gill, S. Poster presented at The Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Nor-Cal SETAC) 19th Annual Meeting. May 2009. Davis, CA. Poster 09, PDF (172 kb)
- Analysis of Herbicide Detections and Use from 1996-2006. ) Bergin, R., Doo, S., Gill, S., and Spurlock, F. Poster presented at The Northern California Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (Nor-Cal SETAC) 18th Annual Meeting. May 2008. Berkeley, CA. Poster 08, PDF (66 kb)
- Simazine, Diuron, and Atrazine Detections in California Surface Waters. Ensminger, M., Starner, K., and Kelley, F. Poster presented at The 60th Annual Meeting of the California Weed Science Society. January 2008. Monterey, CA., USA. Poster 07, PDF (154 kb)
- Vegetated Ditches as a Management Practice in Irrigated Alfalfa. Gill, S., Bergin, R., Spurlock, F., Ganapathy, C., and Goh, K. Poster presented at The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) 28th Annual Meeting. November 2007. Midwest Airline Center, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. USA. Poster 06, PDF (165 kb)
- Runoff Potential of Esfenvalerate from a Prune Orchard with Managed Floors. Gill, S., Sava, R., and Spurlock, F. Poster presented at 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. September 10-14, 2006. San Francisco, California. USA. Poster 05, PDF (163 kb)
- Pyrethroid Insecticides in California Surface Waters and Bed Sediments: Concentrations and Estimated Toxicities. Starner, K., White, J., Spurlock, F., and Kelley, K. Poster presented at 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. September 10-14, 2006. San Francisco, California. USA. Poster 04, PDF (599 kb)
- Pyrethroid Concentrations in Surface Water and Bed Sediment in High Agricultural Use Regions of California. Starner, K., and Kelley, K. Poster presented at 26th Annual SETAC Conference, November 2005 at Baltimore, Maryland. Poster 03, PDF (520 kb)
- A Statistical Model Predicting Daily Pesticide Load. Guo, L. Presented at the Non-Point Source Conference 2005 at Sacramento, California. Poster 02, PDF (161 kb)
- Biological Assessment in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Watersheds, California. Bacey, N.and Moncado, A. Poster presented at the North American Benthologic Society Conference, May 2005 at New Orleans, Louisiana. Poster 01, PDF (170 kb)