Data Dictionary

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Data Dictionary
Column Synonym Data Type Description Notes Validation
APPLIC_DT Application Date DATE Actual date when a pesticide was applied, if known. Some samples do not contain this information, it is not required. Must be a valid month/day/year
BRANDNAME (OR BRAND NAME) Brand Name VARCHAR(50) Brand name of commodity found on container sampled. This includes all additional information such as count, net weight, number of bunches, or other distribution characteristics (e.g. 18 lbs., 24 ct., 12 bunches, etc.)   AlphaNumeric.
CHEMICAL GROUPS TESTED Chemical groups tested VARCHAR(50) Indicates the types of chemical categories for which the sample was analyzed. See "SCARBA", SCHLOR", "SORGANO"  
CHEMNAME Chemical name VARCHAR2(170) Indicates the name of the chemical found during the laboratory analysis.  If no chemicals were found during the analysis, then "NO RESIDUE FOUND" is indicated. AlphaNumeric.
COLLECTION SITE TYPE Collection Site Type   Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). See "SS_CHNDIST" thru "SS_OTHER"  
COL_SITE_CITY Collection Site location VARCHAR2(50) The physical location where the sample ws collected. Required information AlphaNumeric.
COL_SITE_NAME Collection Site Name VARCHAR2(50) The name of the facility where the specific sample was collected. Required information AlphaNumeric.
COUNTY_CD County Code CHAR(2) 2 digit numeric code assigned to each county within the State of California, and who was responsible for collecting the sample, IF APPLICABLE (see Notes). Only applies to data before 2000, when the Priority Program was still in use, and only applies to those samples taken by County Agricultural Commissioners offices.  
DETECT_CD Detection Code NUMBER(4) This code designates what kind of detector or detection system was used during the analysis of this sample. Each laboratory uses this field and assigns the detection code value.  
DETECT_LIMIT Detection Limit NUMBER(10.7) The lowest reading that an instrument can give for a given compound.  This detection limit can be different for every chemical. This value depends on the type of equipment and methodology used in each laboratory. Numeric
DIST_CODE District Code NUMBER(1) This code is assigned to each of the Enforcement Branch's regional offices, each one given a single digit code.  This is not used much in recent years (since 2002 or 2003), instead the DIST_NAME is used (see below).  Codes are: 0=County, 1=Berkeley, 2=Anaheim, 3=Fresno, 4=Sacramento, 5=Richmond Must be a valid district code, valid values are 0 through 5.
DIST_NAME District Name   The Department of Pesticide Regulation's regional office that collected the sample NRO=Northern Regional Office; CRO=Central Regional Office; SRO=Southern Regional Office  
EXTRACT_CD Extraction Code NUMBER(4) This code is used as an reference for the method of extraction. The Federal Food and Drug Administration and each laboratory uses this field and assigns the proper extraction code value.  For instance, "9999" means the method comes from California.    
GROWER LOCATION Grower Location CHARACTERS City/state/country where the grower of the commodity is located (where it originated).    
HARV_DT Harvest Date DATE Actual date of harvest.  This information has not been used since 2001 data. Some samples do not have this information, is not required. Must be a valid month/day/year
ILLEGAL CASE NO. Illegal Case Number, T Case Number   Number assigned to a sample when, during the analysis, the amount of a chemical found is over the legal limits, or there has been no tolerance limit established for that chemical If a sample is found to be "illegal", an investigation begins.  Number begins with a "T", which represents "Tracking"  
LAB_CD Laboratory Code NUMBER(2) 1 digit code assigned to each chemical lab.  Designates which lab conducted the analysis (some are no longer valid  in recent years) Codes are: 1=Berkeley, 2=Anaheim, 3=Fresno, 4=Sacramento, 5=Richmond Must be a valid laboratory code, valid values are 1 through 5.
LAB_NAME Laboratory Name CHARACTERS Name of the laboratory that performed the analysis NRO=Northern Regional Office lab; CRO=Central Regional Office lab; SRO=Southern Regional Office lab  
LAB_NO Laboratory Number NUMBER(8) The Lab Number is a number assigned by each laboratory conducting the analysis.  It is a unique identifier. Each laboratory has its own consecutive numbering system.  Numbers change each calendar year. Must be numeric.
ORGANIC See "ORGANIC_CD"   Indicates whether or not a sample was organically grown.    
ORGANIC_CD Organic Code NUMBER(1) Check box used to indicate whether the produce is organically grown. A "1" indicated is the same as a "Yes".  Information for 1996 forward only. Source is Produce Sample Analysis Report, is displayed as a check box on the data entry screen.  Checked=yes, unchecked=no Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
ORIG_NAME Origin Name   Indicates the state or foreign country in which the commodity was grown.   See:  Origin Table on web site Residue Monitoring Page
PEST_APPLIED Pesticide Applied VARCHAR2(50) Pesticide applied to the sample.  Includes information obtained from a Pesticide Use Report or on the packed container, or from other sources.  This has not been used since 1995 data. Some samples do not have this information, usually not associated with Marketplace Surveillance Program samples. Must contain a valid chemical found in master chemical table.
PROGRAM_TYPE Program Type   The name of the Sampling Program under which the sample was gathered.  See "SP_FOLLOWUP" thru "SP_SPECSURV" for further info  
RESIDUE_AMT Residue Amount NUMBER(10.7) The amount of residue detected on this particular sample. Default value is 0. Valid values are .000001 to 9999.  
SAMPLE_DT Sample Date DATE The date which the sample was collected Format is: dd-mo-yy. Mandatory field Must be a valid calendar date. The Sample Date Year must be greater than 1989
SAMPLE_NO Sample Number CHAR(9) A unique number given to each sample by the sample collector. Must include field inspector's initials followed by the number of this sample. Unique identifier along with Lab. Number
SAMPLE_SIZE Sample Size VARCHAR2(20) The required amount of produce to sample.  This is the size of the sample taken.   AlphaNumeric.
SAMPLE TYPE Collection Site Type   Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). See "SS_CHNDIST" thru "SS_OTHER" and (beginning with 2007 data) COLLECTION SITE TYPE  
SCARBA Carbamate screening NUMBER(1) Indicates whether (or not) this sample was tested for carbamates.  Part of the Basic Screening process If a "1" is noted, the sample was tested for carbamates. Numeric
SCHLOR Chlorinated Hydrocarbon screening NUMBER(1) Indicates whether (or not) this sample was tested for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Part of the Basic Screening process. If a "1" is noted, the sample was tested for chlorinated hydrocarbons. Numeric
SCREEN_DESC Screen Description   The type of screening process (analysis) under which this sample was tested. "Basic Screening": Sample run through three basic chemical screens (e.g. tested for organophosphates, chlorinated hydrocarbons and carbamates). "Specific Testing": Sample was tested for a specific chemical only. AlphaNumeric.
SITE_CD Site Code   Type of location from which the samples was gathered (for instance, Wholesale, Chain Store Distribution Center, Retail, Point of Entry, etc.)    
SITE_NAME Commodity   Name of commodity collected for sampling Reference used is the FDA commodity  
SORGANO Organophosphate screening NUMBER(1) Indicates whether (or not) this sample was tested for organophosphates. If a "1" is noted, the sample was tested for organophosphates. Numeric 
SP_FOLLOWUP Followup Program NUMBER(1)   Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_INVEST Investigational Program NUMBER(1) Samples are taken because of an ongoing investigation; are followups to previous Marketplace Surv. Samples that may be a problem.  A "1" indicates this is an Investigational Program Sample Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_MKTSRV Marketplace Surveillance Program NUMBER(1) Samples are taken from mostly channels of trade (i.e., retail markets, wholesale markets, chain store distribution centers). A "1" indicates this is a Marketplace Surv. Program sample Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_OTHER Other Program NUMBER(1) If a sample does not fall under any of the typical State Program sampling, then it fall under this category and a description is noted in SP_OTHERDESC, Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_OTHERDESC Description of "Other Program" NUMBER(1) Description of the type of SP_OTHER sampling (above). Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_PREHARV Preharvest Program NUMBER(1) Samples are taken prior to harvesting of the specific commodity (e.g., from the field).  This program is not used after 1996 sampling and then falls under the Marketplace Surveillance Program Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_PRIORITY Priority Pesticides Program NUMBER(1) A sample collected by the County Agricultural Commissioner (CAC) under contract.  It is usually for a specific purpose. This program has not been used since 2000 data. Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls.  
SP_RESAMPLE Resample Program NUMBER(1) If a previously taken sample is in question, another sample is taken and analyzed.  This program has not been used since 1996 data. Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SP_SPECSURV Special Survey Program NUMBER(1) Samples collected of commodities specifically designated by DPR for data collection.  This program has not been used since 1996 data. Type of State Program under which the particular sample falls. Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SPECIFIC Specific Analysis NUMBER(1) Indicates that this sample was not run through the Basic Screening process, but was analyzed for a specific chemical only. If a "1" is noted, the sample was tested for a specific chemical. Numeric
SS_CHNDIST Chain Distribution Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Chain Store Distributor Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_FARMSMKT Farmers Market Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Farmer's Market Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_FIELD Field Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected in the field, before it reached channels of trade.  Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_OTHERDESC "Other" Description NUMBER(1) See SS_OTHERDESC Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_PACKSHED Packing Shed Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Packing Shed of some sort. Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_PRSPLANT Processing Plant Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Processing Plant (for instance, a tomato processing plant) Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_PTENTRY Point of Entry Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from where a foreign commodity first enters the U.S. through California (for example: border stations, airports, seaports) Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_PTORIGIN Point of Origin Sample Site NUMBER(1) This usually applies to samples taken from a field, or a packing shed.  This designation has not been used since 1996 data. Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_RETAIL Retail Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Retail outlet (for instance, Safeway, Albertson's) Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_ROADSTAND Roadside Stand Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Roadside Stand Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS_WHSLE Wholesale Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from a Wholesaler Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
SS-OTHER "Other" Sample Site NUMBER(1) Sample was collected from some "other" site that what has already been described. Type of location from which the sample was gathered (for instance: Chain Store Distributor, Wholesale, Retail, Farmer's Market, etc). Numeric. Must be 0 or 1(Boolean).0=Unchecked, 1=Checked
TOLERANT_AMT Tolerance NUMBER(10.7) Is the legal amount of chemical which can be found on a commodity and these tolerances can be found in the Code of Federal Regulations (40CFR), Section 180. Before pesticides can be legally used on a crop, the US EPA must adopt a tolerance or grant an exemption from tolerance.  The tolerance is the highest residue level of the particular pesticide which is allowed on the particular commodity. Numeric