What If I Own a Business? How Do I Get It Licensed and Registered?

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If I own a maintenance gardener pest control business, how do I get a business license?

Two gardeners mulching a plant bed

You need a Maintenance Gardener Pest Control Business (MGB) License if you operate a business where pest control is done only on occasion as part of maintenance gardening work. License fees range from $80 to $160. The business must have a qualified person on staff with a QAC in category Q or B (QAC-B allows the use of restricted materials).

Do I need to register my business with my county?

California state map with county lines

Yes. Before you conduct any work, you must register with the county agricultural commissioner's office in each county where your business intends to perform pest control. Most counties require a registration fee, ranging from $10 to $25. Registration is required annually and covers one calendar year.

How do I renew my business license?

Maintenance Gardener Pest Control Business License

You will be mailed your renewal notice in August of the year your MGB License expires. Refer to your MGB License for the expiration date.

For more information, please contact:
Licensing and Certification Program
Phone: (916) 445-4038
E-mail: LicenseMail@cdpr.ca.gov