2000-01 Pest Management Alliance Project Final Reports
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- 00-0204S, PDF (617 kb), Pest Management Alliance: Reduced-Risk Management of Insect Pests in Sugarbeets
- 00-0205S, PDF (2 mb), California Walnut Pest Management Alliance
- 00-0206S, PDF (3 mb), Southern San Joaquin Valley Citrus Pest Management Alliance
- 00-0207S, PDF (1.7 mb), Pest Management Alliance for the Containerized Nursery Industry
- 00-0208S, PDF (7 mb), The California Winegrape Pest Management Alliance
- 00-0209S, Pear Pest Management Alliance
- 00-0210S, PDF (1 mb), Almond Pest Management Alliance
- 00-0211S, PDF (1.6mb), Pest Management Alliance: Pesticide Risk Reduction in California Prunes
- 00-0212S, PDF (2 mb), Stone Fruit Pest Management Alliance: Development of An Integrated System For Controlling San Jose Scale, Peach Twig Borer and Oriental Fruit Moth In Clingstone Canning and Fresh Shipping Peaches, Plums, and Nectarines