Active Ingredient: Methomyl
Human Health Risk Assessment and Mitigation
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- Name: Methomyl
- DPR Chemical Code: 383
- Chemical Class: Carbamate
- Pesticide Types Registered: Insecticide
- Fumigant: No
- California Restricted Material: Yes, with exceptions
- Toxic Air Contaminant (TAC): No
- Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Regulations: No
- Potential Groundwater Contaminant: Yes
- Reevaluation: Not applicable
Risk Characterization Documents (RCDs) estimate the nature and likelihood of adverse health effects in humans who may be exposed to pesticides.
- November 2015 – Draft Risk Characterization Document (PDF)
Other Documents
- February 2009 – Report on Air Monitoring the Application of Methomyl in Fresno County in October 2007 (PDF)
- Appendix A: Site Photographs (PDF)
- Appendix B: Protocol for the Application Air Monitoring of Methomyl (PDF)
- Appendix C: S-methyl-N((methylcarabamoyl)oxy)thioacetimidate (Methomyl) Method Development and Analytical Results for Application Air Monitoring Samples in Fresno County (PDF)
- Appendix D: Field Log Sheets (PDF)
- Appendix E: Calibration/Certification Reports (PDF)
- Appendix F: Meteorological Data (PDF)
- December 2008 – Report on Ambient Air Monitoring for Methomyl and Carbaryl in Fresno, Tulare and Kings Counties during July and August 2007 (PDF)
- Appendix A (PDF)
- Appendix B: Protocol for the Ambient Air Monitoring of Methomyl and Carbaryl (PDF)
- Appendix C: Methomyl and Carbaryl Method Development and Analytical Results for Ambient Air Monitoring Samples (PDF)
- Appendix D (PDF)
- Appendix E (PDF)
- February 2004 – Monitoring of Ground Applicators Applying Pesticides in Arbor Trellised Vineyards or T-type Cross Arm Trellised Vineyards (PDF)
- February 2003 – A Study of Dislodgeable Foliar Residues of Methomyl, Phosmet and Propargite on Grapes in Fresno, Kern and Madera Counties, 1990 (PDF)
- September 2002 – Project 0205 - Methomyl Reentry Incident in Kern County (40-KER-02) (PDF)
- January 2002 – Equations for Predicted Values and Prediction Limits for Dislodgeable Foliar Residues (PDF)
- April 1999 – Illness Among Grape Girdlers Associated with Dermal Exposure to Methomyl (PDF)
- May 1998 – Air Monitoring Results of Metalaxyl and Methomyl Applied to a Potato Field in San Diego County, 1996 (PDF)
- June 1996 – Monitoring a Field Application to Determine Air Concentrations of Methomyl and Metalaxyl, San Diego County
- December 1995 – Monterey County Residential Air Monitoring (PDF)
- December 1991 – Calculated Reentry Interval for Table Grape Harvesters Working in California Vineyards Treated with Methomyl (PDF)
- September 1991 – Dissipation of Methomyl Residues on the Foliage of Greenhouse-Grown Cucumbers, 1991 (PDF)
- March 1990 – Discussion/Decision Document on Whole Leaf Dislodgeable Foliar Residue (WLDFR) Sampling (PDF)
- March 1990 – Characterization of Methomyl Dissipation on Grape Foliage (PDF)
- November 1989 – Analysis on Under-Canopy Air in Grape Vineyards Treated with Methomyl to Investigate the Potential for Inhalation Exposure (PDF)
- February 1988 – A General Survey of Foliar Pesticide Residues and Air Concentration Levels Following Various Greenhouse Applications, 1986 (PDF)
- April 1985 – Degradation of Dislodgeable Methomyl Residue on Sweet Corn Foliage and Husks (PDF)
- March 1985 – Summary of Illnesses and Injuries due to Occupational Exposure to Pesticides of Ground Applicators Reported by Physicians in California in 1984 (PDF)
- September 1981 – Human Occupational Illnesses and Injuries due to Exposure to Methomyl as Reported by Physicians in California in 1980 (PDF)
- December 1980 – Occupational Illnesses and Injuries due to Exposure to Methomyl in California in 1979 (PDF)
- March 1977 – A Study of the Degradation of Methomyl (Lannate) in and on the Leaves, Husks and Silk on Sweet Corn and the Soil in a Field in Yolo County, California, July 1976 (PDF)
- March 1977 – Study of the Degradation of Lannate (Methomyl) on Outer Leaves of Head Lettuce in Imperial County, California, February 1975 (PDF)
- January 1977 – A Study of the Decay of Lannate (Methomyl) on Grape Foliage in Fresno County, California August 1974 (PDF)
- December 1976 – Decay of Lannate (Methomyl) Residue on Sweet Corn Leaves in Riverside County, California, May 1976 (PDF)
- December 1976 – Lannate (Methomyl) Residue on Young Head Lettuce in Imperial County, California - January 1976 (PDF)
- September 1976 – Human Health and Safety Problems in California in the use of Methomyl as a Pesticide when Formulated as a Powder Containing 90% Active Ingredients (PDF)
- June 1976 – A Study of the Decomposition of Lannate (Methomyl) on Lettuce in Imperial County, California February 1975 (PDF)
- May 1975 – A Study of Methomyl Residue on Sweet Corn Ears (PDF)
- April 1975 – Summary of Pesticide Safety Studies Conducted in Imperial County, California During January and February 1975 (PDF)
- December 2018 – Update on the Status of the Human Health Risk Assessment for Methomyl (PDF)
- September 2006 – Initiation of Risk Assessment Process for the Active Ingredient Methomyl (PDF)
- Pesticide Product Database
- Human Health Assessment Branch Memos
- Human Health Assessment Branch Publications, Posters/Abstracts and Presentations
- Worker Health and Safety Reports and Memos
- Environmental Monitoring Branch Publications
- Air Monitoring Network
- Pesticide Use Reporting (PUR)
- California Pesticide Illness Query (CalPIQ)
- Environmental Justice (EJ)
- OEHHA Proposition 65 Information
- U.S. EPA Pesticide Chemical Search
- PubChem-Chemical Information
For document retrieval, please submit a request at our Public Records Portal (NextRequest).
For content questions, contact:
Christine Herrera
Worker Health and Safety Branch
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-4261
Brenna McNabb
Pesticide Registration Branch
1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015
Sacramento, CA 95812-4015
Phone: (916) 445-0179