Surface Water Protection Program
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These are presentations on surface water issues:
* This presentation is for
informational use and may not reflect views shared by DPR
- Pyrethroid Outreach To Structural Pest Management Professionals, PDF. Karey Windbiel-Rojas, Loren Oki, and Jared Sisneroz. Presented at Surface Water Protection Program Seminar, Sacramento CA, December 17, 2018. * Presentation 156
- Loading of Pesticides to Wastewater Catchments from Flea and Tick Topical Products, PDF. Jennifer Teerlink, Yina Xie, Robert Budd, and Thomas Young. Presented at the SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA, November 2018. Presentation 155
- Prioritizing Pesticides for Surface Water Monitoring in Agricultural and Urban Areas of California, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Xin Deng, Robert Budd, Michael Ensminger. Presented at the SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento, CA. November 2018. Presentation 154
- Management Options for Reducing Pesticide Concentrations in Urban Runoff, PDF. Robert Budd, Yuzhou Luo, Michael Ensminger, Nan Singhasemanon. Presented at the SETAC North America Annual 39th Meeting, Sacramento, California November 6th, 2018. Presentation 153
- A Leach Rate Cap on Copper Antifouling Paints in California: A Regulatory Case Study, PDF. Aniela Burant, Xuyang Zhang, Nan Singhasemanon. Presented at the SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA, November 2018. Presentation 152
- Occurrence and Sources of Pesticides to Urban Wastewater and the Environment, PDF. Jennifer Teerlink et al. Presented at the SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA. November 2018. Presentation 151
- Imidacloprid Monitoring in Urban Surface Waters of California, USA, PDF. Michael Ensminger et al. Presented at the SETAC North America 39th Annual Meeting, Sacramento CA. November 8, 2018. Presentation 150
- Copper Antifouling Paint Regulations in California, PDF. Aniela Burant. Presented at California Waterways Commission Meeting in Sacramento on May 10th, 2018. Presentation 149
- Pesticides in Wastewater, PDF. Jennifer Teerlink. Presented at Board Meeting for the Bay Area Clean Water Agencies on April 20, 2018. Presentation 148
- Pesticides and Prairie Potholes: Understanding the Impacts of Neonicotinoid Insecticides on Prairie Wetland Ecosystems, PDF. Anson Main. (School of Environment and Sustainability, University of Saskatchewan). Presented at Surface Water Protection Program Webinar in Sacramento, CA on March 29, 2018. Presentation 147
- DPR Surface Water Monitoring & Modeling, PDF. Nan Singhasemanon and Yuzhou Luo. Presented at Western Plant Health Association, Water Quality Committee. Natomas, California. February 23, 2018. Presentation 146
- ntegrating targeted analysis and broad-scope screening at the sub-sewershed scale to understand down-the-drain transport of pesticides, PDF. J. Teerlink, C.P. Alaimo, T.M. Young. Presented at SETAC Minneapolis. Nov 2017. Presentation 145
- Pyrethroids and Neonicotinoids in Surface Water of Central Coast, California. 2017, PDF. Kean S Goh presented at the UCCE Entomology Seminar, Salinas. Presentation 144
- Ecological Surface Water Concerns of Pyrethroids and Fipronil. 2017, PDF. Michael Ensminger. Presented at UC IPM Pyrethroid Training, UC Davis. Oct. 19, 2017. Presentation 143
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination. 2017, PDF. Kean S. Goh. Presented at the 2017 CAL-IPC Symposium. Palm Springs, Calif. Oct 24, 2017. Presentation 142
- Pesticide use on Central Coast strawberry farms: water quality impacts and mitigation. 2017, PDF. Xuyang Zhang. Presented at DPR for the Strawberry Commission. Nov 21, 2017. Presentation 141
- Pesticides in Urban Runoff: Why You Should Care. PDF. 2017. Michael Ensminger. Presented at Target Specialty Products, Sacramento, CA. November 2, 2017. Presentation 140.
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Related Toxicity: Science Driven Prevention and Response, PDF. 2017. Jennifer Teerlink, Dan Wang, Aniela Burant. Presented at ReNUWIT symposium, UC Berkeley. Presentation 139.
- Pesticides in Urban Runoff: Why You Should Care, PDF. 2017. Robert Budd. Presented at Target Specialty Products meeting, Ontario, CA. Presentation 138.
- Pesticides in Wastewater – Using targeted analysis and broad-scope screening to identify source contributions at the sub-sewershed scale, PDF. 2017. Jennifer Teerlink et al. presented at DTSC ECL Seminar. Presentation 137
- Pesticide Registration Evaluation Model (PREM 5.0), PDF. Aug 8, 2017. Yuzhou Luo presented at CDPR. Presentation 136
- DPR Urban Monitoring and Surface Water Regulations, PDF. 2017. Robert Budd @ CAPCA, Carson, CA. Presentation 135
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination, PDF. 2017. Kean S. Goh. @ Cache Creek Conservancy, Woodland. Presentation 134
- The Use of PUR and Monitoring Data for the Protection of Surface Waters in California 2017, PDF. Dan Wang, Yuzhou Luo, Nan Singhasemanon, Kean S. Goh. Presentation 133
- An Expedition into the Realm of Environmental Monitoring Data: How Can We Make Sense and Make Use of the Information Contained in the Data?, PDF 2017. D. Wang et al. Presentation 132.
- Improved modeling approaches for pesticide registration evaluation for surface water protection in California, PDF. 2017.Y. Luo et al. Presentation 131
- Pesticides in Wastewater- Linking Pesticide Use Patterns to Sewershed Monitoring Results, PDF. J Teerlink et al. 2017 Presentation 130.
- Modeling spray drift and runoff related inputs of pesticides to receiving water, PDF. 2017. X Zhang, Y Luo, KS Goh. Presentation 129, PDF
- DPR'Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), PDF. Jennifer Teerlink. 2017. Presented at the CVRWQCB Meeting, Sacramento. Feb 24, 2017. Presentation 128
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination, PDF. 2017. Kean S. Goh. Presented at the California Weed Science Society Meeting, Monterey. Jan 20, 2017. Presentation 127.
- DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP) Exposure Assessments, PDF. 2016. Nan Singhasemanon. Presented at Human Health Assessment Branch, CDPR, Dec. 2016. Presentation 126
- Pesticides Detected in Ground Water and Surface Water, PDF. 2016. Nels Ruud and Michael Ensminger presented at Calif. Weed Sci. Conference. Presentation 126.5
- DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP) Regulatory Updates, PDF. 2016. Nan Singhasemanon. Presented at CACASA Winter Conference, Sacramento. Presentation 125, PDF
- Chlorpyrifos in Surface Waters of Central Valley, California: Statistical Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data, PDF. 2016. Dan Wang, Xin Deng, Nan Singhasemanon, Kean S. Goh. Presented at 7th SETAC World Congress, Nov. 8, 2016, Orlando, FL. Presentation 124
- Modeling Spray Drift and Runoff Related Inputs of Pesticides to Receiving Water, PDF. 2016. Xuyang Zhang and Kean S Goh. Presented at the 7th SETAC World Congress/SETAC North America 37th Annual Meeting Nov. 8, 2016, Orlando, FL. Presentation 123
- DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), PDF. November 2016. Nan Singhasemanon. Presented at CAPCA, Sacramento, Calif. Presentation 122
- Nursery Pesticide Use and Surface Water Quality, PDF. 2016. Kean S. Goh & Xin Deng. Presented at California Nursery Association Meeting. Watsonville. Oct. 25, 2016. Presentation 121
- Pesticides in California's Wastewater - Science Needs. 2016, PDF. Jennifer Teerlink et al. Presented at ACS National Meeting. Aug, 2016 Presentation 120
- The added value of passive sampling in monitoring of pesticides. 2016, PDF. Erwin Roex. Presented at DPR. Aug 11, 2016 * Presentation 119
- Pesticide Use Reporting System (PUR), PDF. Larry Wilhoit 2016. Presented at DPR, Aug 4, 2016. Presentation 118 Presentation 118
- Surface Water Protection Program's Registration Evaluation - Using Models to Predict Aquatic Risks Posed by Pesticides, PDF. Nan Singhasemanon and Yuzhou Luo. 2016. Presented at Department of Toxic Substances Control Board, July 18, 2016. Presentation 117
- DPR's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), PDF. Jennifer Teerlink. 2016. Presented at Central Valley Regional Water Quality Board Meeting. June 23, 2016. Presentation 116
- DPR Environmental Monitoring Branch's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), PDF. Nan Singhasemanon. 2016. Presented at Western Plant Health Association Annual Meeting. June 22, 2016. Presentation 115
- DPR Surface Monitoring Program, PDF. Robert Budd. 2016. Presented at Calif Water Quality Monitoring Council June 1, 2016. Presentation 114
- Recent fipronil and bifenthrin trials around homes and on a constructed wall in Riverside: Efficacy of treatments and urban runoff, PDF. Les Greenberg. 2016. * Presentation 113
- CDPR Surface Water Protection Program: Monitoring Pesticide Runoff in Agricultural Areas in Monterey County, PDF. Kean S Goh & Xin Deng. 2016 Presentation 112
- The Development and Current State of USEPA Pesticide Water Models, PDF. Dirk Young. 2016 * Presentation 111
- Spatial Aquatic Model (SAM) and Spatially Distributed Modeling for Pesticide Assessments in Surface Water, PDF. Yuzhou Luo. 2016. Presentation 110
- Pesticide Monitoring and the Irrigated Lands Program: A Solution in Search of a Problem, PDF. Michael Johnson. 2015. * Presentation 109
- California's Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program Pesticide Water Quality Story, PDF. Greg Gearheart. 2015. Management Agreement Workshop. * Presentation 108
- Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program (SPoT), PDF. Dawit Tadesse et al. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Workshop. * Presentation 107
- CA NPS Program Implementation Plan 2014 – 2020, PDF. Jodi Pontureri. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Workshop. * Presentation 106
- Planning: Basin Plans & Water Quality Standards, PDF. Jessie Maxfield. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Workshop. * Presentation 105
- Pesticide Aquatic Life Toxicity Seeking Common Ground, PDF. Patti TenBrook and Debra Denton. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Workshop. * Presentation 104
- Collaboration between DPR and Water Boards to Protect Groundwater from Pesticides, PDF. Aaron Button. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. * Presentation 103
- Management of Pesticides for the Protection of Surface and Ground Water in California Wastewater and Stormwater NPDES, PDF. Thomas Mumley. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. * Presentation 102
- Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP), PDF. Lori Webber. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. * Presentation 101
- California Environmental Data Exchange Network, PDF. Jarma Bennett. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. * Presentation 100
- State Water Resources Control Board Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program, PDF. Johnny Gonzales. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. * Presentation 99
- DPR Reevaluation, PDF. Carlos Gutierrez. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 98
- California's Pesticide Use Reporting System (PUR), PDF. Larry Wilhoit. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 97
- DPR Enforcement Branch & County Agricultural Commissioners (CACs), PDF Jim Shattuck. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 96
- Pesticide Registration in California, PDF. Jolynn Mahmoudi-Haeri. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 95
- DPR's Licensing & Certification Program, PDF. Laurie Brajkovich. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 94
- Ground Water Protection Program (GWPP) - Monitoring, PDF. Nels Rudd. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 93
- Characterizing Indoor Pesticide Use Patterns and Mass Flux in a Wastewater Catchment, PDF. Jennifer Teerlink. 2015. Presentation 92
- DPR Chlorpyrifos Mitigation, PDF. Nan Singhasemanon. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 91
- Copper Pollution in California Marinas, PDF. April DaSilva. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 90
- Surface Water Monitoring Prioritization Model, PDF. Yuzhou Luo. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 89
- Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP) Registration Evaluation, PDF. Nan Singhasemanon. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 88
- DPR's Surface Water Database (SURF), PDF. Xuyang Zhang. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 87
- Managing the use of pesticides to protect California's Water Quality, PDF. George Farnsworth. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 86
- Pesticide Regulation in California, PDF. David Duncan, 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 85
- Surface Water Monitoring for Pesticides in Agricultural Areas of California, PDF. Xin Deng. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 84
- DPR Urban Water Monitoring, PDF. Robert Budd. 2015. Management Agency Agreement Meeting. Presentation 83
- Mitigation Strategies for Reducing Aquatic Toxicity from Organophosphate Pesticides in Cole Crops, PDF. Bryn Phillips,Brian Anderson, Michael Cahn, Rob Budd, Kean Goh. 2015. * Presentation 82
- Monitoring Urban Waterways: DPR's Surface Water Protection Program, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Michael Ensminger, and Robert Budd. CalEPA Brown Bag Seminar. Oct 26, 2015. Presentation 81
- Urban Monitoring In Northern California, PDF. Mike Ensminger Presented at North Veteran' Park, Roseville. Placer and Sacramento County Agricultural Commissioners and Northern Regional Office Enforcement. June 8, 2015. Presentation 80
- DPR SoCal Urban Surface Water Program, PDF. Robert Budd. Presented at Orange County Agricultural Commissioner Office. June 1, 2015. Presentation 79
- Pesticide prioritization with PUR data for surface water monitoring, PDF. Yuzhou Luo. Presented at UCANR Pesticide Use Report (PUR) Analysis Workshop, June 9, 2015, UC Davis. Presentation 78
- Pesticide Prioritization Model for Surface Water Monitoring, PDF. Yuzhou Luo. Presented at DPR. May 18, 2015. Presentation 77
- DPR Monitoring Efforts Within Salt Creek Watershed, Orange County, PDF. Robert Budd. Presented at the Orange County Stormwater Program Water Quality Monitoring and Science Task Force Meeting, Orange, Calif. on January 20, 2015. Presentation 76
- DPR Urban Water Monitoring and Pyrethroid Regulations, PDF. Robert Budd. Presented at Target Specialty Products Meeting. Anaheim & San Jose. March 3-5, 2015. Presentation 75
- POTW Pyrethroid Survey Results: Data Review and Summary, PDF. Yuzhou Luo presented at DPR Pyrethroids: Water Quality Concerns & Down-the-Drain Assessment USEPA/CDPR Meeting. March 4, 2015. Presentation 74
- DPR Urban Water Monitoring and Pyrethroid Regulations, PDF. Michael Ensminger. Presented at Pesticide Applicators Professional Association (PAPA) Seminar December 4, 2014. Presentation 73
- Surface Water Protection Program: Registration Evaluation Training, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Nan Singhasemanon. Presentation 72
- Improved Urban Modeling Approach to Evaluate Pesticide Product for Impacts to Surface Waters in California, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Nan Singhasemanon, Kean S. Goh. Presented to the US EPA Exposure Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM). Presentation 71
- SWPP Registration Evaluation Training, PDF. Yuzhou Luo and Nan Singhasemanon. 2014. Presentation 70
- Methodology for Prioritizing Pesticides for Surface Water Monitoring in Agricultural and Urban Areas, PDFRevision to Pesticide Product Evaluation for Impacts to Surface Waters - Improved Urban Evaluation, PDF. Yuzhou Luo. Pesticide Registration & Evaluation Committee (PREC) meeting, Sacramento. Aug. 15, 2014. Presentation 68
- Protecting Surface Water from Pesticide Contamination in California, PDF. K. S. Goh, N. Singhasemanon, Y. Luo, M. Ensminger, R. Budd, X. Zhang, X. Deng, S. People, K. Kelley, K. Newhart, A. DaSilva, Y. Xie, J. Teerlink, A. Aldana, K. King, K. Moss, D. Duncan. 13th IUPAC International Congress, San Francisco. Aug. 13, 2014. Presentation 67
- Pesticide Washoff from Impervious Surfaces: Characterization and Prediction, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Frank Spurlock, Kean S. Goh. 13th IUPAC International Congress, San Francisco. Aug. 11, 2014. Presentation 66
- Environmental Monitoring Branch & Surface Water Protection Program, PDF. D. Duncan & N. Singhasemanon. Presented at Western Plant Health Association, Sacramento. July 31, 2014. Presentation 65
- Environmental Fate of Pesticides Part II: Case Studies, PDF. Frank Spurlock. 2014. EM Academy June 13, 2014. Presentation 64
- Environmental Fate of Pesticides Part I: Environmental Chemistry Principles, PDF. Frank Spurlock. EM Academy June 12, 2014. Presentation 63
- Perspectives of a State Pesticide Regulator on the Control of Copper in the Marine Environment, PDF. Nan Singhasemanon. SoCal SETAC Conference April 24, 2014. Presentation 62
- DPR's Copper AFP Leach Rate Determination & Mitigation Recommendations per AB 425, PDF. N. Singhasemanon and Xuyang Zhang. March 5, 2014. Presentation 61
- Pyrethroid Detections in Urban Surface Waters Post Regulations, PDF. Mike Ensminger and Robert Budd. Jan 13, 2014. Presentation 60
- DPR Surface Water Protection Regulations 3 CCR Sections 6970 and 6972, PDF (and new definitions added to 3 CCR §6000) Effective July 19, 2012. Presentation by Enforcement Branch.Presentation 59
- Surface Water Regulations 2012, PDF Michael Ensminger. Presented to California Weed Science Society Meeting, Sacramento. Jan 25, 2013. Presentation 58
- Chlorpyrifos Use and Detections in Surface Waters of California, PDF. Xuyang Zhang, Nov 18, 2013. Presentation 57
- Semi-Mechanistic Modeling of Pesticide Washoff from Concrete Surface, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Frank Spurlock, Sheryl Gill, Kean S. Goh. Presented at ACS Meeting, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 12, 2013. Presentation 56
- Urban Monitoring Program – Pyrethroids, PDF. Michael Ensminger & Robert Budd. Presented at DPR meeting with PWG. Oct 10, 2013. Presentation 55
- DPR Environmental Monitoring Surface Water Program, PDF. Robert Budd. Presented at PMAC. Aug. 8, 2013. Presentation 54
- Pyrethroids (and other pesticides) in Agricultural and Urban Environments, PDF. David Duncan. Presented at WPHA. July 17, 2013. Presentation 53
- Modeling Pesticide Runoff From a Flood Irrigated Alfalfa Field Using PRZM, RZWQM, and Opuscz, PDF. Xuyang Zhang. Presented at DPR. July 10, 2013. Presentation 52
- OpusCZ Modeling Methodology, PDF. Roger Smith. Civil Engineering Department Colorado State University. Presented at DPR. July 12, 2013. * Presentation 51
Agricultural Pesticide Runoff Modeling, PDF. Roger Smith & Xuyang Zhang. July 10, 2013.
* Presentation 50, - The Prioritized Pesticide Lists for Surface Water Monitoring, PDF. Yuzhou Luo, Keith Starner, Michael Ensminger, Robert Budd, Xin Deng California Department of Pesticide Regulation. Presentation at SFIREG-EQI, May 20, 2013. Presentation 49
- Pesticide Detections and Toxicity in Urban Runoff from Neighborhoods in Northern and Southern California, PDF. Michael Ensminger, Robert Budd, Kean S. Goh, Department of Pesticide Regulation: Linda Deanovic and Swee Teh, University of California, Davis, CA. Presented at SETAC North America, 33rd Annual Meeting, November 12, 2012. Presentation 48
Neonicotinoids and Pollinators. 2012, PDF. Kean S. Goh. Presented at the
SFIREG EQI Working Group meeting, Arlington, VA. Oct 15, 2012.
Presentation 47.
- Attachment 1, ICP-BR. Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, PDF.
- Attachment 2, CDPR Notice 2009-02. Notice of Decision to Initiate Reevaluation of Chemicals in the Nitroguanidine Insecticide Class of Neonicotinoids, PDF.
- Attachment 3, USDA Colony Collapse Disorder. Progress Report June 2012, PDF.
- Attachment 4, Notice to Manufacturers, Producers, Formulators and Registrants of Pesticide Products, PDF.
- Attachment 5, US EPA, Canada PMRA, CDPR. White Paper in Support of the Risk Assessment Process for Bees, PDF.
- Urban Pesticide Runoff from Neighborhoods in Northern California and their Contribution to Pesticide Contamination in Urban Creeks, PDF. Michael Ensminger. Presented at Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento. Oct 16, 2012. Presentation 46
- The analysis and occurrence of fipronil and pyrethroids in southern California coastal receiving waters, PDF. Keith Maruya, Principal Scientist, Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP). Presented at DPR on Oct. 4, 2012. * Presentation 45
- Passive Integrative Water Samplers for Pesticides: Methodology, Quantification and Water Quality Assessment, PDF. Alan Kolok, University of Nebraska. Presented at DPR on Feb 13, 2012. * Presentation 44
- Assessing Risk of EPA Authorized Pesticide Uses to ESA Listed Pacific Salmonids: General approach and use of California DPR data, PDF. Tony Hawkes and Thom Hooper. Presented at DPR on Feb 27, 2012. * Presentation 43
- Azoxystrobin & Chlorothalonil Fungicides: Uses, Chemistry, Environmental Fate and Risk to Aquatic Organisms, PDF. Dennis Kelly and Robert Joseph, Syngenta, Greensboro, NC. Presented at DPR on January 25, 2012. * Presentation 42
- Products for pesticide mitigation outreach, PDF. Joyce Strand with Cheryl Wilen, Darren Haver, Jay Gan, Mary Louise Flint, Cheryl Reynolds, and Scott Parker. Presented at DPR on Dec 14, 2011. * Presentation 41
- Evaluation of Landguard A900 Enzyme in an Integrated Vegetated Treatment System, PDF. Phillips, Bryn and Brian Anderson. 2011. Presented at DPR on December 7, 2011. * Presentation 40
- Surface Water Regulations for Nonagricultural Pesticides, PDF. Mark Pepple. Revised Oct. 26, 2011, based on the presentation to Urban Pesticide Committee Oct. 18, 2011. Presentation 39
- Pesticide Runoff from Concrete Surfaces: A Field-Study & Environmental Implications, PDF. Weiying "Tim" Jiang. 2011. Presented at DPR on September 12, 2011. * Presentation 38
- Methodology for Evaluating Pesticides for Surface Water Protection, PDF. Luo, Y. and S. Gill. Presented at DPR to the Pesticide Registration and Evaluation Committee (PREC) on September 16, 2011. Presentation 37
- Use-exposure relationship of pesticides for aquatic risk assessment, PDF. Luo, Yuzhou, F. Spurlock, X. Deng, S. Gill, and K.S. Goh. 2011. Presented at US EPA Exposure Modeling Public Meeting (EMPM) Webinar on September 20, 2011. Presentation 36
- Stream Pollution Trends Monitoring Program (SPoT) - A framework for monitoring long-term trends in California watersheds, PDF. Anderson, B. et al. 2011. Presented at DPR on July 19, 2011. * Presentation 35
- Presentations on Urban, Agricultural Monitoring, and Modeling, PDF. Budd, R., K. Starner, and Y. Luo. 2011. Presented at DPR on June 1, 2011. Presentation 34
- Estrogenic Activity Observed in the Lower Napa and Sacramento Rivers: Influence of Alkylphenol ethoxylate and Pesticide Mixtures, PDF. Schlenk, D. 2010. Presented at DPR May 10, 2010. * Presentation 33
- Understanding Pesticide Formulations, PDF. Gouge, Terry. 2010. Presented at DPR May 5, 2010. * Presentation 32
- DPR's Surface Water Protection Program (SWPP), PDF. Singhasemanon, N. 2010. Presented at CalEPA DPR 101 Training. April 12, 2010. Presentation 31
- Pesticide Regulation 101, PDF. Sanders, J. 2010. Presented at the CalEPA DPR 101 Training, April 21, 2010. Presentation 30
- Urban Pesticide Monitoring in Northern and Southern California, PDF. Ensminger, M. 2010. Presented at the CalEPA, Management Agency Agreement meeting, April 21, 2010. Presentation 29
- Concepts for Regulating Pesticides to Protect Surface Water, PDF. Pepple, M. 2010. Presented at CalEPA Management Agency Agreement meeting. April 21, 2010. Presentation 28
- Use of Constructed Wetlands to Remove Pesticides from Agricultural Tailwaters, PDF. Budd, R. 2010. Presented at the 239th Annual ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA March 22, 2010. Presentation 27
- Mitigation Efficacy of Vegetated Buffers in Reducing Non-Point Source Pollution: A critical review and meta-analysis, PDF. Zhang, X. 2010. Presented at the 239th Annual ACS National Meeting San Francisco, CA. March 22, 2010. Presentation 26
- Urban Pesticide Monitoring in Northern and Southern California: A Regional Look at Urban Pesticides in Surface Waters, PDF. Ensminger, M. et al. 2010. Presented at the 239th Annual ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, March 23, 2010. Presentation 25
- Sediment Ponds as a Management Practice in Almonds, PDF. Gill, Sheryl. 2010. Presented at the 239th Annual ACS National Meeting San Francisco, CA. March 22, 2010. Presentation 24
- OP & Pyrethroid Pesticide-Caused Aquatic Life Toxicity: Inadequate Regulation of Urban Use,, PDF. Lee, G. Fred and A. Jones-Lee. 2010. Presented at DPR, March 9, 2010. * Presentation 23
- Overview of DPR's Analysis of Irrigation-Season Diazinon Use & Monitoring Data, PDF. Singhasemanon, N. 2010. Presented at The Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program (ILRP) Roundtable in Riverside, Jan 26, 2010. Presentation 22
- Analysis of Herbicide Detections and Use from 1996 - 2008, PDF. Ensminger, Michael. 2010. Presented at California Weed Science Society Jan 13, 2010. Presentation 21
- Potential Impacts of Court-Ordered Injunctions on Pesticide Use and the Protection of Endangered Species, PDF. Moreno, L. 2009. Presented at DPR Dec 16, 2009. Presentation 20
- Monitoring for Indicators of Antifouling Paint Pollution in Calif. Marinas, PDF. Singhasemanon, Nan. 2009. Presented at DPR Dec 9, 2009. Presentation 19
- Environmental Fate of Etofenprox, an Ether Pyrethroid, Under California Rice Growing Conditions, PDF. Vasquez, Martice. 2009. Presented at DPR Nov 17, 2009. * Presentation 18
- Monitoring Pesticides in Urban Storm Drain and Surface Waters in Four Metropolitan Areas of California, PDF. He, Li-Ming et al. 2009. 238th ACS National Meeting, August 16-20, 2009, Washington, DC. Presentation 17
- An Assessment of Copepods as Indicator Organisms for Pesticide Related Toxicity, PDF. Kusler, Jennifer. 2009. Presentation 16
- Pyrethroid Insecticide Concentrations, Toxicity, and Loads in Surface Waters of the San Joaquin Valley, California, PDF. Presented by Joseph Domagalski, Ph.D., USGS, to DPR on July 1, 2009. * Presentation 15
- Monitoring Pesticides in Runoff from Northern and Southern California Neighborhoods, PDF. Presented by Loren Oki Ph.D. and Darren Haver Ph.D., June 22, 2009. * Presentation 14
- Western Airborne Selected Contaminants Assessment Program: Focus on Sequoia and Kings National Parks Results Compared and Interpreted, PDF. Presented by Dixon Landers Ph.D., US EPA, to DPR June 17, 2009. * Presentation 13
- Modeling Pesticide Transport and BMP Implementation in the San Joaquin Valley, PDF. Presented by Yuzhou Luo Ph.D., UC Davis, at DPR on June 15, 2009. Presentation 12
- Polyethylene Passive Samplers for Quantifying Dissolved Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Aquatic Environments, PDF. Presented by Rachel Adams, Ph.D., Loyola Marymount University on June 10, 2009 at DPR. * Presentation 11
- Pesticides in Urban Runoff and Waterways, PDF. Presented by Nan Singhasemanon, at the Structural Pesticide Enforcement Training, Dublin, CA 2009. Presentation 10
- Using DPR's Surface Water Database, PDF. Presented by Keith Starner, DPR, at the Department of Pesticide Regulation, July 2008. Presentation 09
- Comparison of Pesticide Concentrations in Streams at Low Flow in Six Metropolitan Areas of the United States, PDF. Presented by Lisa Nowell, USGS, at the Department of Pesticide Regulation, May 20, 2008. * Presentation 08
- Assessment of Trends in Concentrations and Loads of Pesticides in Urban Streams of the Western United States (DRAFT), PDF. 2008 Presented by Joseph Domagalski, USGS, at the Department of Pesticide Regulation, May 20, 2008. * Presentation 07
- Vegetated Ditches as a Management Practice in Irrigated Alfalfa Results for Study 235: PIN 017, PDF. Presentation 06
- Synthetic Pyrethroids and California Surface Water, PDF.Spurlock, F. Presented at 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition. September 10-14, 2006. San Francisco, California. USA. Presentation 05
- Water Quality Concerns with Synthetic Pyrethroids, PDF. Fabre, B. 2006. Presented at Pesticide Product Registration Workshop. May 1-2, 2006. Presentation 04
- Update on Dormant Spray Regulations, PDF. Lee, M. 2005. Presented at PAPA Training Seminar in Modesto. December 1, 2005. Presentation 03
- Environmental Monitoring Aquatic Pesticide Review, PDF.Newhart, K. 2005. Presented at Department of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento. November 18, 2005. Presentation 02
- Bioavailability of Pyrethroids in Surface Aquatic Systems, PDF. Gan, J., W. Yang, W. Hunter, S. Bondarenko, and F. Spurlock 2005. Presented at Department of Pesticide Regulation, Sacramento. October 11, 2005. * Presentation 01