IPM Award Recipients (1994 to most recent)

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Integrated pest management (IPM) is an approach to managing pests that combines biological, cultural, physical, and chemical tools in a way that minimizes economic, health, and environmental risks. The Department of Pesticide Regulation's IPM awards identify leaders in adopting techniques that increase the benefits and reduce the risks of pest control. Each IPM Innovator and IPM Achievement Award winner has shown a commitment to applying such techniques to their specific circumstances and sharing their experience with others.

DPR commends these groups for the skill, inspiration, and courage they have shown in pursuing new systems of pest management, and we applaud their efforts to share their experiences with others.

You may wish to contact representatives of these groups to learn more about their programs and the benefits of organizing to promote IPM.

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Agricultural Advisors 2005 Ag Butte Pest management leadership and outreach in agriculture
All Kids Academy Head Start, Inc. 2020 Urban San Diego Leadership in IPM at Child Care Centers
Almond Board of California 1997 Ag Stanislaus "Four Point Program" for navel orangeworm (NOW) control
Almond Pest Management Alliance Team 2007 Ag Butte, Kern & Stanislaus Seasonal Guide to Environmentally Responsible Pest Management Practices
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas Program, Western Regional Office of the National Center for Appropriate Technology 2022 Ag Yolo Providing exceptional IPM outreach and guidance for sustainably managing pests to diverse farming communities in California
Aquatic Outreach Institute (AOI) 1999 Urban Contra Costa Train-the-trainer program emphasizing IPM for K-12 teachers
Artichoke Research Association 1996 Ag Monterey IPM leadership in the artichoke industry
Association of Applied Insect Ecologists (AAIE) 1999 Ag/Urban Sacramento Outreach for IPM adoption for various crops and in urban settings
ATCO Pest Control 2009 Urban Marin & Sonoma IPM leadership and outreach in the pest control industry
Avocado Pest Management Task Force 1997 Ag Riverside IPM practices for thrips in avocados

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Baefsky & Associates 1998 Urban Contra Costa IPM practices for environmentally friendly landscaping
Bay City Flower Company 1998 Ag San Mateo IPM scouting program to pinpoint pest population thresholds
Beckstoffer Vineyards 1997 Ag Mendocino & Napa Community-based IPM projects with Napa County Resource Conservation District (RCD) involvement
Benziger Family Winery 1999 Ag Sonoma IPM leadership in the winegrape industry
Bio-Integral Resource Center (BIRC) 1997 Ag Alameda Education and outreach promoting biologically-intensive IPM
Biologically Integrated Orchard Systems Project (BIOS) 1994 Ag Yolo Orchard management and pest monitoring programs for almond growers
Bonterra (Fetzer) Vineyards 2010 Ag Mendocino IPM leadership and outreach in the organic winegrape industry
Breyer's Vineyard IPM Service 2007 Ag Sonoma IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Bringing Back the Natives Garden Tour 2010 Urban Alameda & Contra Costa Garden tour emphasizing the use of native plants and IPM in home gardens

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
C & M Nursery 2000 Ag San Luis Obispo Steam sterilization facility for nursery pest management
Cal Poly Strawberry Center 2022 Ag San Luis Obispo Leadership in IPM and sustainability production through prolific research and outreach programs
California Association of Winegrape Growers 2003 Ag Sacramento "Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices" program
California Clean Growers' Association 1995 Ag Fresno Pest management for grapes, peaches, and nectarines that minimize reliance on pesticides
California Invasive Plant Council 2015 Natural Areas/Urban/Ag Alameda Leadership and outreach in IPM practices for invasive plant management in natural, agricultural and urban areas
California Invasive Plant Council 2021 Natural Areas/Urban/Ag Alameda IPM Leadership and outreach in non-chemical approaches for invasive plant management
California Lettuce Research Board (CLRB) 1998 Ag Monterey Research emphasizing development of pest resistant lettuce varieties
California Poultry Federation (CPF) 2000 Ag Stanislaus Reduced-risk and IPM practices in the poultry industry
California Processed Tomato Foundation 1994 Ag San Joaquin IPM education for growers
California Prune Board 1999 Ag Alameda Prune Pest Management Alliance
California Rice Commission 2005 Ag Sacramento IPM leadership and outreach in the rice industry
California Table Grape Commission 1997 Ag Fresno IPM and reduced-risk strategies for pesticide applications in table grapes
California Tree Fruit Agreement (CTFA) 1998 Ag Fresno Research on reduced-risk pest management alternatives
Caltrans District 1 2001 Urban Humboldt IPM practices for highway planning, construction, and maintenance operations
Campbell Soup Company 1996 Ag Sacramento Pesticide control program to reduce pesticide use with grower involvement
CDFW Statewide Human-Wildlife Conflicts Program 2022 Urban / Ag Sacramento Promotion of non-chemical integrated wildlife management techniques that support safe human-wildlife interactions
Central Coast Vineyard Team 2009 Ag San Luis Obispo IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Central Coast Wine Grape Grower Natural Vineyard Team 1997 Ag San Luis Obispo "Positive points system" to evaluate IPM success in vineyards
Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1999 Urban Contra Costa IPM practices to reduce pesticides in wastewater
Cherry Buckskin Project 2016 Ag Contra Costa UCCE coordinated efforts to prevent the establishment of Cherry Buckskin disease
Chris Geiger, Lifetime IPM Achievement Award 2022 Urban San Francisco Promotion of IPM practices and adoption in California’s urban settings
Citrus Research Board Joint Agency Biological Control Task Force 2017 Ag/Urban Tulare Biological control program for Asian citrus psyllid
City & County of San Francisco 2001 Urban San Francisco IPM programs for public properties
City of Davis Parks & General Services Department IPM Program 2008 Urban Yolo IPM leadership and outreach for landscapes, parks, greenbelts, and other public spaces
City of Irvine 2019 Urban Orange IPM leadership for parks, landscapes, and other public spaces.
City of Palo Alto 2011 Urban Santa Clara Expansion of Citywide IPM policy and IPM programs to reduce pesticides in urban runoff
City of Palo Alto 2003 Urban Santa Clara Citywide IPM policy
City of San José 2009 Urban Santa Clara IPM programs to reduce pesticides in urban runoff
City of Santa Barbara 2007 Urban Santa Barbara Municipal IPM strategy to reduce use of high risk materials
City of Santa Cruz 2002 Urban Santa Cruz IPM programs for the City's Departments of Public Works, and Water, Parks and Recreation
City of Santa Monica 1998 Urban Los Angeles Toxics Use Reduction Program for city-owned buildings and parks
Clark Pest Control 2009 Urban San Joaquin IPM leadership and outreach in the pest control industry
Clos du Bois Winery 2002 Ag Sonoma Pest management through vegetation restoration along vineyard stream banks
Coalition for Urban/Rural Environmental Stewardship 2012 Urban/Ag Fresno Development and promotion of IPM practices to protect water quality and public health
Coachella Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District 2014 Urban Riverside Effective and environmentally sound vector control and disease prevention programs through research, development, and awareness
Community Alliance with Family Farmers (CAFF) 2009 Ag Yolo IPM leadership and outreach in the agricultural industry
Community Environmental Council Incorporated 1996 Urban Santa Barbara Reduced risk pest management and pesticide use educational programs
Community of Harbor Bay Isle Owners Association, Inc. 1998 Urban Alameda IPM practices for landscape maintenance
Contra Costa County Agriculture Department 2013 Urban/Ag Contra Costa IPM programs to reduce pesticide use throughout Contra Costa County

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Del Monte Foods 1996 Ag San Francisco Reduced risk pest management practices for 17 crops
Dixon Ridge Farms 2010 Ag Solano & Yolo IPM leadership and outreach in the organic walnut industry

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Earthbound Farm 2004 Ag Monterey IPM leadership and outreach in organic agriculture
East Bay Regional Park District 1994 Urban Alameda IPM leadership and outreach in an urban setting
Easter Lily Research Foundation 2014 Ag Del Norte Leadership and creativity in advancing the use of reduced-risk programs for pest management in the Easter lily industry
Ecology Action of Santa Cruz 2006 Urban Monterey & Santa Cruz Creation of community conservation programs
EcoWise Certified Structural IPM Certification Program 2007 Urban Alameda IPM certification training for California pest control operators
El Modeno Gardens Inc. 2001 Ag Orange Containerized Nursery Pest Management Alliance

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Farming, Agriculture, & Resource Management for Sustainability (FARMS) 1997 Ag Yolo Program introducing high school students and teachers to sustainable agriculture and IPM practices
Fetzer Vineyards 2004 Ag Mendocino IPM leadership and outreach in the organic winegrape industry
Fillmore Citrus Protective District 1994 Ag Ventura Pest control on citrus using natural enemy releases
Four Winds Growers 2015 Ag Santa Cruz IPM practices and leadership in enclosed structure citrus nursery growing environment
Frank Zalom, Lifetime IPM Achievement Award 2023 Ag Yolo Advancing IPM practices in California specialty crops as a preeminent researcher, practitioner, and champion of sustainable pest management
FreshSense 2008 Ag Fresno Implementation and promotion of sustainable agricultural practices
Friant Water Users Authority 1997 Urban Tulare Use of native perennial grasses for canal bank maintenance

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Gallo's Sonoma Vineyards 2011 Ag Sonoma IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Ganna Walska Lotusland Foundation 2001 Urban Santa Barbara Outreach for IPM garden management
Getty Conservation Institute 1994 Urban Los Angeles Less toxic methods for fumigating museum artifacts
Gina Bella Colfer, Lifetime IPM Achievement Award 2023 Ag Monterey Developing and implementing safer, more sustainable IPM practices for the agricultural industry
Green Gardener Certification Program 2004 Urban Santa Barbara Training program certifying landscape professionals as Green Gardeners

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Hearts Pest Management 2012 Urban San Diego IPM leadership and outreach in the pest management industry
Hines Landscaping San Francisco 2017 Urban San Francisco Sustainable landscaping practices in interiorscapes and outdoor gardens
Hudson Vineyards 2005 Ag Napa IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Humane Wildlife Control Inc. 2020 Urban Monterey Leadership in low-risk rodent and wildlife management

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Imperial County Whitefly Management Committee 1995 Ag Imperial Sweet potato whitefly pest management practices
IPM Program at Anaheim Union High School District 2021 Urban Orange Innovative IPM programs that reduced pesticide use across the school district
Integrated Prune Farming Practices 2005 Ag Butte IPM leadership and outreach in the prune industry
IPM Advocates Program 2013 Urban Statewide IPM training program for retail stores

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
James Berry Vineyards 2003 Ag San Luis Obispo Successful example of low-impact agriculture

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Kern High School District 2002 Urban Kern IPM leadership and outreach in schools

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Lahontan Golf Club 2006 Urban Placer Organic golf course maintenance program
Lake County Areawide Codling Moth "Puffer" Project 2000 Ag Lake "Puffer" pheromone dispensers to manage codling moth
LangeTwins, Inc. 1999 Ag San Joaquin IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Limoneira Company 2012 Ag Ventura IPM leadership and outreach in the citrus and avocado industries
Living Resources Company 1998 Urban Sacramento Research practices to reduce reliance on pesticides in urban settings
Locke Ranch, Inc. 2007 Ag San Joaquin IPM leadership in the walnut industry
Lodi Rules for Sustainable Winegrowing 2006 Ag San Joaquin IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Lodi-Woodbridge Winegrape Commission 1994 Ag San Joaquin IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Los Angeles Unified School District 2007 Urban Los Angeles IPM policy and procedures to reduce pesticide use in schools
Los Angeles, Fremont, & San Diego City Unified School Districts 1994 Urban Alameda, Los Angeles & San Diego Reduced risk pest management policies for schools
Lundberg Family Farms 2001 Ag Butte IPM leadership and outreach in the rice industry

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Magalia Nursery of the California Dept. of Forestry & Fire Protection 1995 Ag Butte Soil pest management without using fumigants in forest tree nurseries
Manteca Unified School District Operations Department 2017 Urban San Joaquin Gopher-trapping management program at district schools
Marin County Integrated Pest Management Program 2011 Urban Marin County IPM policy to significantly reduce pesticide use
Marrone Bio Innovations 2009 Ag Yolo Development of environmentally friendly and effective natural pest management products
Mesa Vineyard Management 2005 Ag San Luis Obispo IPM leadership in the winegrape industry
Metropolitan Golf Links 2021 Urban Alameda Leadership in IPM and environmental sustainability for golf courses
Michael Baefsky 2020 Urban Contra Costa Lifetime achievement in IPM consulting
Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District 2018 Natural Areas/Urban/Ag San Mateo, Santa Clara, & Santa Cruz Management of invasive plants and structural pests on 63,000 acres of open space preserves, and leaders in regional environmental protection
Mosquito & Vector Control Association of California 2010 Urban Sacramento IPM leadership and outreach for California mosquito and vector control districts

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Napa County Resource Conservation District 1995 Urban Napa Promote pest management practices to reduce pesticide use
Napa Sustainable Winegrowing Group 2004 Ag Napa IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Napa Valley Grapegrowers 2005 Ag Napa IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2006 Ag Butte, Glenn, Sutter & Yuba Supports and promotes comprehensive agricultural IPM systems
Nature Conservancy 2005 Ag Butte IPM leadership and outreach in the walnut and prune industries
New Haven Unified School District 1996 Urban Alameda Program to decrease pesticide applications and rate of application in schools
Nord Coast Vineyard Services Inc. 2003 Ag Napa Pest management through stream bank restoration projects
Novato Unified School District 2001 Urban Marin Model IPM plan and outreach for schools statewide

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Oracle Park 2022 Urban San Francisco Leadership in finding innovative, sustainable, and effective ways to manage high-value turf using an IPM approach at a Major League Baseball ballpark
Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District 2017 Urban Orange Vector control and disease prevention through community engagement and awareness

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
PACE Turfgrass Institute 1994 Urban San Diego Pest management in turfgrass on golf courses
Park Farming Organics 2023 Ag Sutter Exemplifying sustainable pest management in California Agriculture
The Pear Doctor, Inc. 2006 Ag Lake IPM leadership in the pear industry
Pebble Beach Company 1999 Urban Monterey IPM practices for golf course and forestry operations
Pest Management Associates, Inc. 2001 Ag Tulare IPM leadership and outreach in the citrus industry
Pestec 2008 Urban San Francisco Pest management through prevention and non-chemical practices
Phytophthoras in Native Habitats Work Group 2020 Open Space Marin Outreach to prevent Phytophthoras pathogen in native habitats
Pink Bollworm Project 2016 Ag Sacramento Collaboration to prevent establishment of the Pink Bollworm cotton pest without using conventional insecticides
Pisoni Family Vineyards 2021 Ag Monterey Leadership in IPM and sustainable practices for high-end winegrape growers.
Pizza Farm 2001 Ag Madera Agricultural awareness program promoting IPM and sustainable farming
Placer Hills Union School District 1996 Urban Placer School pest management for student and community awareness
Prather Ranch 2009 Ag Shasta & Siskiyou IPM practices for organic strawberry plant nursery and cattle operations
Project Apis m. 2016 Ag San Luis Obispo Non-profit that funds beekeeping research and IPM programs to protect bees used in crop pollination

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Randall Island Regional Management Project 1994 Ag Alameda Alternative pest management methods in pears
Riverside Municipal Museum 2003 Urban Riverside IPM plan for pest management issues unique to museums
Riverside-Corona Resource Conservation District 1997 Urban Orange & Riverside IPM and resource management program for Riverside and Orange counties
Riverside Unified School District 2016 Urban Riverside IPM program focused on training and reducing pesticide use at district schools
Robert Mondavi Winery 1998 Ag Napa Napa Sustainable Wine Growing Group & Central Coast Natural Vineyard Team partnership
Robert Sinskey Vineyards 2004 Ag Napa "Biodynamic farming" system that promotes IPM practices

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
S & J Ranch, Inc. 1998 Ag Madera IPM leadership and outreach in the agricultural industry
Sacramento Water Wise Pest Control Program 2001 Urban Sacramento Outreach on IPM practices to prevent pesticide runoff into storm drains
Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District 2007 Urban Sacramento & Yolo Vector control IPM practices and public outreach program
Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District 1998 Urban Sacramento Model surveillance program for vector-borne diseases
San Diego County - Countywide IPM Program 1996 Urban San Diego IPM policy established on all county-owned lands
San Diego County Regional Airport Authority 2016 Urban San Diego IPM program use technology and training to address human, environmental and worker safety
San Diego Healthy Garden-Healthy Home Program 2007 Urban San Diego Program to reduce pesticide use in and around homes to protect local waterways
San Francisco League of Urban Gardeners (SLUG) 1996 Urban San Francisco Support community gardens and promote IPM practices
San Francisco Recreation and Parks Department 2014 Urban San Francisco Forward-thinking, research-driven, collaborative, and transparent approach to integrated pest management
San Luis Obispo County Department of Agriculture 1994 Urban San Luis Obispo Outreach on reduced-risk pest management methods
Santa Clara County 2005 Urban Santa Clara Model comprehensive IPM program for local governments
Santa Clara Valley Urban Runoff Pollution Prevention Program 2008 Urban Santa Clara Stormwater pollution prevention and water quality improvement in South San Francisco Bay
Scientific Methods, Inc. 2013 Ag Butte IPM leadership and outreach in the tree nut, stone fruit, and citrus industries
Self-Insured Schools of California (SISC) 2002 Urban Kern IPM training curriculum for schools
Soil Fumigant Alternatives / BioSolarization Team 2018 Ag Fresno Leadership in alternatives to agricultural soil fumigants for soil pest management and research in biosolarization
Sonoma County Grape Growers Association 2000 Ag Sonoma IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Spray Application Pest Management Alliance Team 2020 Ag El Dorado Effective educational program to minimize agricultural pesticide drift
Spring Mountain Vineyard 2009 Ag Napa IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Straus Family Creamery 2000 Ag Marin Reduced-risk pest management practices in the dairy industry
Sun-Maid Growers of California 1996 Ag Fresno & Kern IPM leadership in the raisin grape industry
Sunwest Fruit Company 2011 Ag Fresno IPM leadership and outreach in the citrus and stone fruit industries
SureHarvest 2010 Ag Santa Cruz Development of farming management information systems and sustainability self-assessment programs
Sustainability in Practice Certified 2015 Ag San Luis Obispo IPM outreach and leadership in a sustainable practices certification program for winegrape growers

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Tree and Vine IPM Group 2015 Ag Stanislaus IPM outreach and alternative reduced risk practices for pest management by farm advisors, PCA's and growers
Ty Parkinson, Bill Chandler, & Stone Fruit Pest Management Alliance 2006 Ag Fresno IPM leadership and outreach in the stone fruit industry

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
UAV-IQ Precision Agriculture 2023 Ag Los Angeles Advancing traditional IPM practices through new technology
UC ANR’s Urban IPM Advisors 2021 Urban Yolo Research and education facilitating IPM adoption in urban spaces
UC Berkeley Campus Pest Management Program 1996 Urban Alameda Architectural and landscape design as part of campus IPM services
UC Cooperative Extension Master Gardener Program 2003 Ag Sonoma Pesticide Use Reduction Education (PURE) program
UC Cooperative Extension Small Farm Program 2006 Ag Fresno "Small Farm Resource Network" providing IPM outreach to minority farmers
UC Cooperative Extension, UC Berkeley, Yolo County RCD, and Hedgerow Farms 2013 Ag Yolo Use of hedgerows in agricultural IPM systems
UC IPM Almond Pest Management Alliance Team 2019 Ag Kern Leadership and outreach in navel-orange worm IPM
UC San Francisco California Childcare Health Program 2012 Urban San Francisco, Alameda Development of the IPM Toolkit for Early Care and Education Programs
UC Statewide IPM Program & Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) 2010 Ag Yolo Development of and outreach on integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs
Ukiah Valley IPM Pear Growers Inc. 2000 Ag Mendocino Codling moth mating disruption program outreach
University of California Cooperative Extension 1997 Ag Merced Research and IPM practices for almonds, apples, grapes, peaches, prunes, and walnuts

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Ventura Unified School District 2003 Urban Ventura School IPM program including IPM training for school staff
Vetsch Farms 2005 Ag Kern IPM leadership in the almond industry
Vineyard Team 2022 Ag San Luis Obispo Dedication to promoting and supporting IPM approaches and sustainability in vineyards through exceptional outreach programs
Vino Farms, Inc. 2000 Ag San Joaquin IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
Virginia Creeper Leafhopper Project 2016 Ag Mendocino Promotes area-wide IPM practices to reduce or eliminate pesticide use on wine grapes

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Walnut Production Research Advisory Council Entomology Working Group 2013 Ag Tehama IPM leadership and outreach in the walnut industry
Weddle, Hansen & Associates, Inc. 1999 Ag El Dorado IPM for pear and apple and Pear Pest Management Alliance
Wente Vineyards 2000 Ag Alameda IPM leadership and outreach in the winegrape industry
The West Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District 2019 Urban San Bernardino Leadership in outreach, research, and mosquito IPM
Wine Institute 2003 Ag San Francisco "Performance for Sustainability" program

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Recipient Organization Award Year Category County Achievement
Yolo County Resource Conservation District 1996 Ag Yolo Restore native habitats and farm biodiversity with grower involvement

For content questions, contact: Michelle Andreetta 1001 I Street, P.O. Box 4015 Sacramento, CA 95812-4015 Phone: (916) 324-4245 E-mail: achieve@cdpr.ca.gov